How to Find Your Business Message and Utilize It to Build Your Brand!
i am the publicist
Public Relations firm that helps clients get in front of the right audience!
If you are considering starting a business, there is one very important thing you should consider before you even so much as make an Instagram page. Every successful company builds itself on the foundation of a business message, otherwise known as its “why”. Plain and simple, if you don’t understand why your company is in business, no one else will either. However, making a business message that resonates isn’t the easiest task. Or at least it can be difficult if you don’t have the right directions. Let’s talk about what makes a great business message that can help you to build your brand.
Define your target audience
Who are you trying to reach with your message? Understanding your target audience will help you tailor your message to their needs and interests. Defining your target audience involves identifying the specific group or groups of people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services. The good news is, a little audience research can go a long way. Let’s talk about how to find it!
Identify your unique selling proposition (USP)
What sets your business apart from others? If you can’t answer that question, you might be further from your goal than you would like. No worries, it’s easy to learn how your company compares to others in your industry. You can then use what you learn your USP is and communicate it in your message.
Define your Brand Values
Your brand values should inform your message and help you create a consistent tone of voice. A good brand offers the same thing to a customer that a good friend does. They are honest, open, and always there in your time of need. What sort of friend do you plan to be to your customer?
Conduct Market Research
As we mentioned earlier, your competition is one of the best ways to examine how your company compares to them. Look at your competitors and see what messaging they are using. This research can give you ideas and help you create a unique message. Market research is the process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data about a market, including information about customers, competitors, and the overall market environment. To conduct market research, follow these steps:
Test Your Message
Once you have a draft of your message, test it with a small group of people in your target audience. Often we forget that people in our close social circles are also part of our target audience. If they are, have some friends over for dinner and get their take. Ask for feedback and refine your message based on their input. Testing your message is crucial in ensuring that it effectively conveys the desired information and resonates with your target audience. To test your message, follow these steps:
Your business message should be clear, concise, and memorable. It should effectively communicate what your business does, what sets it apart, and why your target audience should choose you. Whether your business is old or new, if your message doesn’t do that, it’s time to return to the drawing board. No business can find success if they don’t know why they are doing what they do.