how to find various details in an Image
Jeyashree kothai Alwan
Data scientist | Machine learning | Deep Learning | Purpose driven leader | CXO Incubator
Many a times we might have faced a scenario of knowing different properties in a image such as its centroid?,area, or information on orientation of?Images. This helps in tracking the motion of object/people in realtime applications . opencv has a function called Moments that helps in calculating these properties.
In OpenCV, moments are the average of the intensities of an image’s pixels.
We use OpenCV moments to relate the motion between two consecutive images. It is used to detect features of an image that remain unchanged when the object in the image undergoes rotation, translation, or any other form of orientation.
In the background , it’s a simple mathematical calculation which goes like this.
For instance , consider an circle image . after applying moments on contours of circle , this is how centroid is found.
There are multiple ways of calculating this . I am just sharing one of them today . To know more on computer vision , Machine learning , Image processing , Opencv follow Jeyashree kothai Alwan