How to find truth in a world of lies

How to find truth in a world of lies

How Governments Lie

When governments lie, they do so from a position of power and authority. They use their power to control the media and they even attempt to alter reality to support their lies. Of course it is impossible to change reality. Past events cannot be undone or changed. What happened, happened. However, Government leaders become so powerful, the power goes to their head. They believe that they can say anything, and you will believe them and they think if everyone believes them, that they can change the past. It seems most people will believe the government even when it is obviously lying. If you know what to look for, the more they lie, the more obvious it becomes.

How to tell when Governments lie

Let’s say you know of a very wise and smart judge who really knows the law. You enjoy reading news reports of his wise decisions. But unknown to you, the judge begins to accept bribes. Now he decides cases based on who pays him the most money. You don’t know this and are dismayed by the judge’s obviously bad decisions. You wonder why the judge has suddenly become stupid and doesn’t know the law. But the judge hasn’t become stupid, he has become corrupt. He is pursuing his own selfish monetary interests rather than pursuing justice.

It is the same with government leaders, when they suddenly seemed to have turned stupid it reveals the extent of their corruption. Of course stupidity is often a major factor as well, since a truly wise person would reject becoming corrupt. ?Governments also try to extend their influence beyond their borders by bribing other governments with loans and aid programs. This corrupts all governments and government leaders involved. The money is the string that controls the puppet. ?This string of money corruption explains most of foreign affairs between nations today, affairs similar to an elderly sugar daddy bribing young sugar babes to do what he wants. Of course, there is more than one sugar daddy, and the sugar babes get more than one offer in a global bidding war. The babes often take more than one offer and try to work both sides of the street like an ambitious prostitute.???World international relations resemble a vast web of interconnection spider webs in a forest on a dark night. ?Many of the connections by bribes are secret, and of very questionable strength, while others are strong enough to trip over. Wars can happen when nations trip over a hidden web in the dark when they along with other nations become entangled in a web of deceit that they may have helped build.

This partly hidden web causes governments to say the strangest things and for connected governments to lie in sync with each other. They will work together to build a common lie to try to change reality in an effort to fool everyone on the planet. These world lies can be hard to see through when they are spoken with such authority by so many authorities. The governments will have their experts in the field speak these lies and back them with the authority of their profession. Dissenting voices are stifled and blocked. Branded as conspiracy theories by the media and mocked and outlawed by the authorities.?

This is how to spot government and other big liars, they go too far. Truth is defended by evidence, lies are defended by the sword. If what the government was saying was true, the evidence would prove it and they would not need to suppress dissenting voices. In a debate, when one party physically attacks the other, you know that he has lost the debate. He cannot win by logic so he resorts to violence. They think that might makes right. The truth is often what you are not allowed to say. So called conspiracy theories are only banned if they have an element of truth in them. This is why the flat earth theory will never be banned, it has no truth in it, and hence doesn’t threaten the official narrative.

How to spot the biggest lairs

The governments are not the only ones telling lies. Just as there are often competing government blocks that oppose each other, telling conflicting narratives, there are other conflicting groups that do the same. We see it in big corporations competing with other corporations. They fund scientific studies that show that their product is better than their competitor, while the competitor does the same in reverse. Obviously they can’t both be right.?But businesses are not the biggest liars, that title is reserved for religion.?First let me say that I believe in God and that there is one small true religion. (Matthew 7:13, 14) I am not against religion, I am against religions that lie. People are amazingly blind to religious lies. The most obvious example is different religions teach different things, yet many people tend to believe that they are all true and are all just different roads leading to the same place. This is of course logically impossible since the differences in doctrine are often in complete conflict and thus only one of them can possibly be true. The reason why people believe the different roads lie, is because they want to believe it. Looking for truth is hard work, and means living up to it. Most people don’t want to bother and just want to do what they want. This desire for moral freedom is what is behind people’s willingness to accept the very obvious lies told by their religious leaders.

Most Christian religions have very large doctrinal conflicts with the Bible. Nearly all teach that Jesus is God and died for our sins, while the Bible states that God cannot die. That the dead burn forever in a literal burning hell while Jesus said the dead were asleep and he would awaken them in the resurrection. This is just some of the many conflicts between common church doctrines and the Bible. There is however one Christian religion that actually does follow the Bible.?They are known worldwide for their preaching work and their being different from all other religions. Being the one truth teller in the room, they are often attacked from all sides, since simply by teaching the truth, they expose the lies of other religions. Banned in some countries simply for following the Bible. They are what the truth looks like, and how it is treated in a world of lies.

The pattern of lairs using violence, intimidation and more liars to protect their lies, makes spotting religions that lie, very easy. A true religion doesn’t need to use violence to defend itself. Don’t they trust in God? Nearly all the major religions have a long history of violence, inquisitions, crusades, jihads, religious wars, and religious persecutions. Any religion that resorts to violence or fails to condemn and expel members who resort to violence, or supports any wars or up risings, revel themselves as being a lie. ????

The world of lies

If I have been sucessful in opening your eyes, you now know that we live in a world of lies and propaganda. Many things that people believe are lies. They put their trust in, work for and die for lies. The most grievous of course are the religious lies, since no one expects a hereafter from the state. A government ‘heaven’ would have been more equivalent to the mythical burning hell anyhow. Just as a follower of a false religion will be disappointed, trusting in government lies will also result in sorrow. To avoid wasting your hard work, time and your very life, you need to avoid following lies. In addition to the signs of lies already discussed, use logic and reason to find the truth. Check the facts and actual evidence. Unfortunately it seems that most people are either unable or unwilling to evaluate the evidence and facts for themselves. The reason for this is, “God lets a deluding influence mislead them so that they may come to believe the lie, in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness. . .” (2 Thessalonians 2:11, 12)

We all can be fooled at times as well. The key is to always remember that you could be being lied to. Test everything as best as you can and the really important truth is something that can be prayed for.?“if any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching, and it will be given him. But let him keep asking in faith, not doubting at all, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and blown about. In fact, that man should not expect to receive anything from Jehovah; he is an indecisive man, unsteady in all his ways.” (James 1:5-8)

The end of all lies

What we are seeing today is a battle between lies and truth. Although it appears that the lies are taking over the world, our world of lies is soon to be destroyed and replaced by a world of truth. This is to be expected logically since lies never last and are always revealed in the end, while truth lasts forever. “. . .For there is nothing hidden that will not become manifest, nor anything carefully concealed that will never become known and not come out in the open. . .” (Luke 8:17)

“. . .the Devil, . . . That one was a murderer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie.” (John 8:44)

“. . .For this purpose the Son of God was made manifest, to break up the works of the Devil.” (1 John 3:8)

“. . .: “If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.. . .” (John 8:31, 32)

To learn more about the truth Jesus taught and to break free of the lies, go to


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