Your daily routine is a big deal. That's what will give you stability in life and in business.?

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How does your daily routine relate to stability in your life??

Most people don't realize that you're living in a volatile and unpredictable world in today's environment.

And if you're not stable yourself, you're going to get thrown around. Life will eat you up, spit you out, beat you up... and who knows what else.?

So what do you do? What you do is make sure that you create stability in your daily routine.

So despite anything that happens, you're continuously operating from a position of stability.

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For example, I made sure that my daily routine really didn't change during the pandemic.?

So I went to lunch at the same time and got coffee at the same time; pretty much everything was the same in terms of my daily rituals.

And what that did for me is it just provided this baseline of stability because you're in an environment where everything is crazy (this world).?

Everything's shaking, and everything is moving around from day today. Have your daily routine grooved-in so much that you don't think about it when you wake up, brush your teeth, etc.

If you create your daily routine around that, you'll have much more stability where you operate from.?

You also have to make sure that your relationship with your significant other is solid.

When you have a rocky relationship with your significant other, it doesn't give you a lot of stability to operate from.?

My personal relationship is solid due to the amount of stability I have with my spouse—I can't even put it in words.?

The stability she provides for me is just out of this world.?

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So stability that you give yourself by being in an environment where you can attain your daily rituals and habits will only help accelerate you onto your path of success.?

If you don't have that, you're going to be rocky. Try it for 14 days; call it the 14-day challenge where you make these things a habit.?

And they're not things you have to do, new year's resolutions, and all that BS.?

You don't want that. You want habits. You want rituals in your life that you follow.

That will always be there, no matter rain, sleet, snow, hail, etc.?

You want these to always be there for you. It's helped me tremendously in my life.?

I even continue to do that, as busy as I am running an international healthcare company.

Now we're in two countries and over 300 employees full time, offices in Tampa, Washington, DC, Metagene Columbia, you get the point.

It's a lot. So if I don't have the stability to operate from, I'm going to be unstable.?

As a leader, you can't be unstable, so I hope you can create some stability in your life through these simple things.

Hope this helps you. Go out and get it!


