How to find Right-Talent to stay competitive?
A Next-Generation ERP is essential to finding the Right-Talent to Compete in the future.
Kagami allows you to automate systems, and free up your human resources to add value rather than grinding through administrative tasks. It allows your company to be more agile and responsive to make things happen faster.
There’s a reason why traditional software development is failing your business; it’s code. The way we instruct computers today isn’t that different from how we did it 50 years ago – specially trained artisans type cryptic symbols into text files. Instead of using a fractured syntax built for machines, you capture your requirements directly in visual models that mirror the way you talk about your business: the lifecycle of work, the flow of a decision, the layout of a screen. Kagami then writes, versions, and optimizes the code for you. Breaking the shackles of code to deliver immediate results.
Does your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software act as a system of engagement? Adopting a flexible ERP that natively incorporates emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), chatbots, and social collaboration will not only help you stay competitive but will also help you attract the next-generation workforce – vital to future-proofing your business.
The workforce of tomorrow demands and expects the ability to interact with technology in an intuitive and personalized way. This means we must prepare to support a new wave of talent, with an understanding that there will be fierce competition to attract and keep them employed. An ERP system that allows its users to surface insights that are vital to their role and assist them with the more mundane tasks ultimately results in a more rewarding experience because the user can spend more time in creative problem-solving.
Engaging the incoming workforce through digital transformation initiatives that fit the needs of a multigenerational talent pool while continuing to support members of the team that helped?build?the business can be daunting; however, with the right ERP software partner, this industry-wide shift can be surprisingly seamless.
Surfacing Personal and Actionable Business Insights Stimulates Profits
The key to understanding and more importantly improving how your manufacturing or distribution business operates on a day-to-day basis is access to actionable business insights. What does this mean? Imagine that the AI and ML technology, included as part of your ERP, is configured to sort through the piles of data collected by your ERP—searching for anomalies, patterns, and areas of concern and then surfacing the data points of interest on your personal dashboard. This type of data makes for powerful decision-making but also allows each user to be more successful in their role.
The Kagami next-generation ERP solution goes beyond offering traditional ERP reporting and analytics tools. A future-proof ERP solution is essentially a vehicle that drives strategy throughout the organization by providing real-time data that matters. Specifically, insights surfaced by a next-generation ERP system can help you make more informed decisions, improve profitability, minimize risk, increase responsiveness, and improve overall productivity.
Social Collaboration and Bots Drive Smart Decisions and Customer Success
Social collaboration in ERP is on the rise. This makes perfect sense considering that millennial workers and their customer counterparts respond best to a familiar and personalized social media-type interface when conducting business. This increases responsiveness and enables a real-time view into customer sentiments, relevant emerging data trends, and significant business movements.
Gartner predicts that by 2020 customers will manage 85% of the relationship with a company without interacting with a human. As we near the year 2020, it’s clear that the firm’s prediction on self-service adoption rings true. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies are utilized by consumers everywhere today — in home entertainment, automobiles, shopping, and in customer service.
A true customer-first approach to service requires your ERP system to understand each customer’s needs and can empower them with self-service, anytime, anywhere. Gartner says 25 percent of customer service operations will use virtual customer assistants by 2020—so it’s time to make sure your company doesn’t get left behind.
Choice and Flexibility in the Workplace Grows and Maintains Top Talent
Between global expansion, disruptive technologies, and a cross-generational workforce shift, choice and flexibility are paramount to your team’s ability to deliver to customers and your employee talent pool. To engage, motivate, and maintain top talent, your ERP system must allow your users to run the ERP their way — driving your organization to deliver to your customers with more efficiency. At the same time, individuals who wish to interact with the ERP through a traditional rich client environment can have their way also.
Other key advantages of operating on a flexible ERP system are choice of deployment (cloud, on-premise, or both), and the option to pay in a way that fits your budget and needs. Basically, your ERP must be up to the challenge of meeting your evolving needs, so you can focus on what you do best.
Access to this data empowers your team to meet their goals, targets, and deadlines, with improved collaboration between themselves and others–driving your business forward and stimulating profits.