How To Find New Sources Of Funding
This is a Charity Excellence Framework resource, from the largest resource base in the sector. The online toolkit, its resources and the Quality Mark are completely free.
If you wish to search for more funders, you’ll find more funder lists, links to dozens of free funding finders, and fundraising tools and guides on the Charity Excellence Resource Hub.
1. Rekindle Old Relationships, Check Your CRM/Files
Check your CRM or fundraising files, to identify who supported you in the past. These may be a long-time ago, but they liked you enough to fund you and there may still be someone around who has/had a relationship with them.
2. Rekindle Old Relationships, Check Your Accounts
Check your old annual statutory accounts, in which you thanked your funders.
3. Grow Current Relationships, By Reaching Out
Check with your trustees, high level supporters and anyone else relevant, to see if any of them have a relationship with trusts, companies, or people with money, networks, influence or status who may be willing to help you.
4. Grow Current Relationships, By Reaching Out Systematically
Do a 'proper job', by copying the names of the key people in your target trusts, companies and other funders, and paste them into a list to circulate. You might even create a fundraising/development committee to actively grow and develop your networks and influence, to find new funders. There are ready made Terms of Reference for such a committee, in the CEF online toolkit.
5. Upgrade Your Existing Donors And Supporters
Your volunteers and one-off or small amount donors have already shown they are engaged with your work. Some of these will almost certainly have useful contacts/networks, or be interested in becoming a regular donor, or potentially have the capacity to donate more. In your communications, are you making them aware of how they could do more, if they wish to? And are there any you might specifically wish to cultivate?
6. Engage Your Existing Donors In Helping You
They already love what you’re doing and an endorsement from them carries real weight. Consider if some of them may be prepared to recommend you to their contacts who may themselves be interested in your work.
7. Show Your Work Off And Engage Face-To-Face
How do I get face-to-face meetings and engage people more? Invite them to your events. When event planning, think about whom you could invite from any of your networks or activity above, with a view to engaging them more and finding out how they might be interested in helping.
When you know who’s coming, identify those you wish to engage, what you might realistically achieve from the event (usually not an ask!) and whom amongst your team should seek them out and talk to them.
8. If They Won’t Come To You, Go To Them
If you don’t have events, or getting people to come along is difficult, go to them. Think about local business groups, company events, or other activities where the people you meet do to, then send your CEO, chair or someone else to these. If you can get a speaking slot (Rotary, Lions, community group, whatever), better still.
9. Find New Funders, Already Engaged With Your Cause
Download the annual accounts of sister charities and look to see who has funded them, as these are trusts who are engaged with your kind of work.
10. Find Newly Registered Trusts, Via the Charity Commission
Use the advanced search function. Select ‘How the charity operates’ from the drop down menu and then click on ‘Grants to individuals’ or ‘Grants to Charities’. For newly registered trusts and foundations, use the registration date to find those that have been recently registered. And don’t forget that OSCR (Scotland) has a register search tool too.
11. Find New Funders, Online
Or ask Mr Google to help you find people and companies who may potentially be willing to help. As all things Internet, this can become time consuming if you let it, but could be a great role for a home working volunteer. You can also use GrantNav to search, explore and download UK grant data.
12. Get Others To Help You Find New Funders Online
There are a whole range of platforms that match charities to potential supporters, businesses and donors. The CEF has a list of 30+ fundraising platforms, including a number that can match you to potential donors.
13. Find New Funders That Might Support Your Cause
Run searches for suitable trusts and foundations. You can pay for access to online databases. However, the CEF includes a list of 50 free funding finders, many of which will allow you to sort by specialist area.
14. Find New Funders Using Pre-researched Lists
Everybody is really busy and funding research can be a bit of a black art, so the Charity Excellence Framework makes it easier for you, by including more than 2 dozen funder lists, some with more than 150 funders, including - core costs, corporate foundations, buildings & equipment, disability, education, health, IT and tech, individuals & families, social enterprises, social welfare, start-ups, older people, small charities, unregistered charities, and young people. Simply download the one you want, job done.
15. Find New Fundraising Sources, Because Diversifying Is Good
Doing more of what you’re good at makes sense, but so does trying something new and it also helps to diversify your income. Each fundraising technique has its own benefits, albeit it almost always takes time and at least some investment. There are lots of options to choose from. The CEF has an entire fundraising strategy toolkit in the Maximising Income questionnaire, but you can find some guidance I’ve published here.
16. Finding New Funding Sources, Don’t Forget Government Contracts
a. Contracts Finder - public sector contracts and e mail alerts.
b. Supply Change - platform for social enterprises to access public sector contracts.
c. Open Ops - commercial, but contract data is free, claims to have more that Contracts Finder and it works globally.
17. Finding New Funding Sources, Don’t Forget Government Grants
a. Grant Finder - government grants for companies.
b. The Entrepreneur Handbook has a list of UK small business grants.
c. GovGrantsHub - non-profit and business grants.
18. Consider New Methods of Funding, Because Why Not?
Try the Good Finance online social investment tool or Big Society Capital. Here are 13 things you ought to know, before considering social investment. Here’s a Social Impact Bond toolkit and another to find investors, funds and advisers. For peer learning, mentoring and resources, try this.
19. Stay Up-To-Date On Funding Sources And Good Ideas
Sign up for bulletins and newsletters. The CEF Help area includes a range of these and new funding sources are included in the CEF Newsletter each month. You can also join charity social media groups - the CEF has a list of over 30 in the communications questionnaire. You'll learn just by following the conversations and group members are usually only too willing to help others.
20. Get Expert Help To Secure Funding
There are more than 10,000 trust in the UK, distributing more than £2bn each year, so there is merit in considering engaging a professional to help you find the most suitable. The CEF runs a fundraising freelancer register, as a charitable activity, that is both free to join and use. Contact me at [email protected] if you wish to know more.
21. Use Your Assets and Skills To Earn Income
Are you making maximum use of these? Options include leasing land or property, hosting events, room hire or hot desking, or using your expertise to deliver training, or other paid for services. If it’s primary purpose trading (part of your charitable objectives) or below the threshold, there’s no corporation tax liability. If there is, create a trading company.
22. Claim What You’re Already Entitled To – Gift Aid
Each year, we fail to claim £600m in Gift Aid. There are several types and it might appear a bit complicated, so here’s everything you need to know and how to do it.
23. Claim What You’re Already Entitled To – All The Other Stuff
Ever heard of employment allowance, did you know that there are more than a dozen VAT reliefs alone or that you can claim back tax relief, up to 4 years retrospectively? The system helps you check everything but, if you haven’t joined us yet, here’s everything you need to know to make sure you’re getting yours.
24. Why Pay, When You Can Get It For Free?
The Charity Excellence mantra! There are 200+ organisations that provide free goods, services and help on the system itself, but you can find 60+ here.
25. Best Of All, Don’t Waste Money and Resources In The First Place!
Managing the limited resources we have better, is more controllable, often quicker, gives funders greater value for money and delivers increased impact for beneficiaries. Moreover, this is something we're not all very good at, so there can be real opportunities. You know the story by now – the system does it all for you but, if you really don’t want to join our community, here’s a whole series of ideas from the CEF on how you can manage down your costs base.
Can you help?
The CEF works on a community collaboration basis. Can you help me help others by adding to this resource? If so, e mail me at [email protected]. All contributions will be credited.
Contributors: Laura Davis.
This resource has been produced by the Charity Excellence Framework for everyone. It may be used or shared, but not for commercial purposes. I am happy for my work to be reproduced by others, but not without my prior written permission and appropriate recognition for the Charity Excellence Framework.
CEO at Off The Fence Trust - Resisting poverty. Empowering people. Restoring hope.
4 年Thank you Ian - we have recently started to use this excellent resource as a charity and it is an impressive resource, well catalogued and presented. The homeless and vulnerable men and women of Brighton & Hove will benefit from it.
Vastly experienced fundraiser across sectors/aspects of income generation; alumni, hospitals, cathedrals, sports, arts, medical, heritage causes: Working part-time for Swim England and a range of clients nationwide
4 年Brilliant - a great deal of this I say in my own consultancy work, but so refreshing to see it so well presented (and offering new ideas to an old dog like me!) M