How to find a logo designer?
Designer amazing_ Sojib
Hi, I'm designeramazing, A Graphics Designer and Motion Graphics Animator!!
- To find a professional logo designer you must first find out if your service is related to a logo designer.
- Because a graphics designer is not always a logo designer. A professional logo designer, he only designs logos. When he thinks about your brand, he also thinks about your targeted clientele.
- That's why many designers ask buyers. How old are your clients?
- That is, for how many years people are being designed. Depending on this, the designer selects colors, fonts.
- If the client is between 13-19. But choose orange, red, blue, pink i.e. attractive colors. To be able to attract the attention of clients very easily.
- And if the client is a woman, choose a feminine font or a serif font.
- For example, consulting designers choose earth tone colors and feminine or serif fonts for their designs.
- All in all, it can be said that a skilled designer researches many unknowns about your business.
So you need to find out if he is your service related designer.