How to Find Leaked Test Questions & Remove Them From the Internet
Have you ever found your exam questions leaked on the Internet? It’s pretty frustrating, right??
You may use long-form written response formats to avoid situations like this or create huge question banks to keep test takers on their toes.
But what happens when those are leaked too? What options do you have to protect your exams??
How are your test questions leaked online?
Homework help sites
Homework help sites, like Chegg and Quizlet, were originally created to give test takers access to more educational resources, but they make it all too easy to find and share your test content.
Test takers can search these sites for answers to your test questions in just a few minutes - sometimes even in the exact order you have them on your exams. Making it even easier, some of these sites even have Subject Matter Experts (SME) ready to help test takers get answers.
Online forums and social media groups
Your test content may even be posted on online forums like Reddit, Quora, and even social media groups on Facebook, for example.??
How can you find and remove your leaked test content?
Identifying when and where your test content has been leaked
You basically have two options to find leaked test content:
Manually searching for leaked test questions can be time-consuming.?
Thankfully, Honorlock’s Search & Destroy? technology can automate this process for you by automatically scouring the internet in a couple of minutes and gives you a one-click option to send takedown requests.
Here’s how Honorlock’s Search & Destroy? technology works:
1. Automatically searches the Internet for your test questions
Search and Destroy is automatically triggered as soon as you enable Honorlock for a proctored online exam. In just a few minutes, it scours the Internet to find leaked test questions.
2. Review the results
After the search is complete, you can review the results, which will show you if any test questions are leaked.
3. Take action?
Honorlock’s Search & Destroy technology gives you the option to send content takedown requests to the sites displaying your test questions with just one click.?
Other ways Honorlock protects your online exams
Honorlock’s Search & Destroy technology is one layer of our advanced online proctoring platform.?
How does Honorlock work?
Our proctoring software monitors each student’s exam session and alerts a live proctor to join the student’s session if it detects any potential issues.?
This approach to online proctoring can provide a less intimidating and non-invasive proctored testing experience for the student because they aren’t constantly being watched.
In addition to our blend of AI and live proctors, Honorlock:
Search & Destroy, along with other advanced proctoring features from Honorlock, allows instructors to take control of online exam integrity and provide test takers with a fair and equitable online test environment.