How To Find Leads On Twitter?-?3 Must Have?Tools

How To Find Leads On Twitter?-?3 Must Have?Tools

Twitter, Twitter, Twitter. Is it useful? Should you use it in your business? Well, today we’re going to see.

My name is Terry Jay Gremaux from Before we get too far, the link below, will take you to a blog post where I share 10 ways for you to find MLM recruiting leads for your business. I’m telling you, you don’t want to miss it.

So Twitter, should we be there? Should we be doing business there? I want to share with you some things today that will probably shed some light on why Twitter is a pretty cool animal and why you should be using it. It’s not going to take you a lot of time and some different components of Twitter that most people don’t understand. Right?

Number one, the first component of Twitter is that you can reach out to anybody without being connected to them.

Yeah. Not like Facebook or even LinkedIn that I really love. You can reach out to anybody on Twitter without being connected with them at all. You do not have to be connected with them one ounce, one iota, at all. You can research them by hashtag or you can reach them by name. There are all sorts of apps to find people to reach out to you. I mean, it’s a really cool platform that you’re able to do that with.

Number two. There are a lot of automated tools that you can use. I use a tool called Tweepi.

By the way, all of this is contained in the blog post below, so make sure you go look at it.

I can go find the people that tweeted about network marketing today or something more specific like Monat or hair care.

I can go find those people and I can follow them. If I’m a hair care product, that would be a good thing to do. So my thing is I can go find my target market. Using Twitter, I can find my target market and I can engage in conversation with them.

Number three, the second tool that I use is a tool called Sprout Social. It’s either Social Sprout or Sprout Social. It’s a green leaf. You’ll see it. Anyways, I do this because I can manage all of my social media inboxes in one place and Social Sprout allows me to do that. It’s such a big deal. It’s a monster deal.

So you have to understand that I can go there and I follow 300- 600 people a day. I haven’t been perfect at that lately, but typically that’s what I do.

300–500 people I should say a day. Tweepee actually tells me to unfollow people when I get one when they’re not engaged with me anymore. Right? Because you want to have the right follower ratio there.

Then the last tool I use is Buffer. Buffer allows me to post to my social media networks, all of them at once if I wish. But the core thing that I like is it tracks my clicks, so it tells me how many retweets I had, how many likes I had on Twitter, and how many clicks I had on that particular link.

The cool thing about that is now I know which links are great. Which links are going to help me. Which links are going to maybe possibly not help me. This is a big deal because now I can recycle my old posts and once I’m using Buffer, all I’ve got to do is go back and click on rebuff, which is kind of like a share button.

Once I click on the share button, it’s over. It’s shared again. I don’t have to recreate it and if I want to recreate it, I just rewrite the post a little bit. If I want to delete it out of my queue, I can delete. It is such a big deal. Right now, using Buffer, I’m ahead by like a month in social media posting. I don’t have to worry about. I don’t have to do it; I don’t have to touch it. It is a big deal.

That’s why you should be using Twitter in your business. If you want to know more about that, click on the blog post below. It is a heavy blog post that will really give you a lot of insight on Twitter and a lot of other places. So get over to my blog right now, While you’re over there you can pick up my 41 ways to generate leads.

You guys are awesome. You’re incredible. I love you. Click on the blog post below and I’ll see over there. Talk to you soon. See you on another video. Oh and subscribe already. Would ya? Bye. Bye.

For the video, head here

Terry Jay Gremaux,

“The Live Networker”


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