Michael R. H. Stewart
Pastor and Founder @ Reach for Jesus Worldwide | Ordained Minister
Along the way, to find Joy In the Journey, you must take your directions from God. Here they are, so you don't have to stop to get them:
1. You are already blessed with a gift that only you can give. Discover it, give it and make room for more. That should be your first destination.
2. Someone out there has a need that only you can meet. Find that person, meet their need, and you will be on your way.
3. Joy in the Journey can be found where the gift and the need intersect.
Along the way be advised: The road can be treacherous. It has many ups and downs. Don't try to avoid them, hold tight to the wheel, and drive straight through them. You may spend some time in the ditch; you may get a little banged up; but when Joy appears over the next hill, your life will never been the same.