How to find the joy in anything
??Andrea Morrison??
Transformational Coach | Psychologist | 2xTedx Speaker. Enabling Female MDs, Directors & Senior Leaders realise their ambitions with confidence, resilience and balance.
As I look out of my window the skies are grey, the ground is wet with rain and it’s very, very cold!
As I see it life and work is a lot like the seasons, there are things that we do that feel like Spring, they have a newness of energy about them, some feel like Summer with endless joy and happiness, some like Autumn with it’s different feel, a richness of colour even though they may be coming to an end and then there’s those things like Winter, a necessary happening perhaps, things that are ending, feel cold and grey, or that have simply drained the life out of them!
Perhaps that’s a little harsh on the ‘Winter’ things that we have to do, but when I talk to my clients, like Winter, there are often many things that they simply don’t like doing, they have no energy about them and they’d rather just skip them and move onto the ‘Spring’ things that they have to do!
Recently I was talking to one client about this, who had really disliked doing their business accounts, they reminisced how I had said to them how, one day, they’d really like doing it – and they were surprised how much lighter they felt about them, they felt completely different about them – they enjoyed them!
I asked what had changed, and what they shared didn’t surprise me at all. They had noticed that how they felt about their accounts was their creation, it was up to them how they felt about them and they noticed that they had innocently created a narrative of how much they didn’t like them, how hard they were, how much of a bind they found them. When they decided that they didn’t want to feel like this any more, it was as if the skies had cleared and fresh ideas and thoughts came to mind. They saw it more as a time when they could switch their email and phone off, change into their favourite comfy clothes, put on some music and sit with a large cup of coffee. In other words they created a completely new experience for themselves, rather than repeating a well-worn one that made them feel miserable.
I find that we have this ability to create a completely new experience is available to us during any part of ‘Winter’ that we have in our lives. Yes we can look at the whole, repeat the same narrative each day, or we can let the old thinking pass and see what fresh ideas come to mind and follow them. I even find that this works with the real Winter too, it is always open to us, even on the dreariest, darkest, coldest of days to create a new experience. We can of course focus on the bare trees, the lack of sun and warmth and tell ourselves that it is never ending, or we can allow those thoughts to have a Winter of their own too and so often what comes to mind creates a completely new, fresh experience allowing us to fall in love a little bit more with Winter too.
with love,
Andrea x
p.s if you would like to learn more about how understanding your state of mind can impact the success of your professional career or business, let’s have a chat. To find a time to suit you?click here.
Andrea Morrison is a Transformational Coach, Tedx Speaker, Writer and Columnist for The Yorkshire Post. Find out more about her forthcoming events and programmes on her website:?