How to find a Great Graphics Designer!
The world is getting smaller and the countries are getting closer day by day, People showing their creativity through their activities, arts and design taking place day by day. In every walks of life we want to see something new, something creative or extra - ordinary that blows our mind and eyes. So for reasons we have to depend on someone also to do something new for us, we need someone who can present our ideas and information into a different level. Who can make our dream or just a imagine true. So we often face this problem to chose the right one for our work who can do things appropriately. Sometimes just because of choosing a wrong person we loss our time money and value.
Graphics Designing is becoming a very challenging and popular profession now a days. A lots of designer can be seen in both local and online market. But often we have to think a lot for choosing the right one for us. Sometimes we think about budget, sometimes we think about time and the most often we think about the skill of a designer until we get our work done. The Common questions in our mind while searching for a designer -
- Is he professional in this line?
- Is he able to design the thing that I wank?
- Can he do this work within the time limitation?
- How much will he charge for this?
- Can I get a professional design with my low budget?
- How many years is his work experience?
- Did he do this job before?
- How to trust a designer While paying them in advance?
- How to pay while working with a designer from other country?
- Local designer or Freelancer?
- Entry level designer or Experienced designer.
- How to set my budget as the work or is this budget worth of it??
And a lots of questions came to our mind while working with a designer. But there is a very simple solution to prevent this types of circumstance. Lets move to our main points!
The things you need to consider while selecting a graphics designer
- Approach and Communication Skill : Most of the time we don't pay attention to the communication skill of a designer, We only think about our work and we only notice his professionalism. But it's a very noticeable side if you want to have a great graphics designer. Sometimes a person with good communication skill can give you a very special and much professional service even without having a long time experience on this field. It also makes you much confidence for his work and create trust in you that will help you to get a very good result in the end. So, it's important to pay attention of a designer's approach of talking and skill of communication.
- See Designers Portfolio Or Sample work : If the designer is not totally fresh or new even an entry level designer has a portfolio on Dribbble, Behance, Tumblr, Pinterest, Flickr etc. Or they can have sample work on their working device. It doesn't matter how many works is in his portfolio. You can analysis someones designing skill or creativity just by seeing 5-6 work samples. It's not mandatory to have a huge collection of sample work in the portfolio. But a person with long time experience can have a huge portfolio. But it's not a wish decision if you chose any designer for having a lots of work, you must have to see the quality of work. One best work is better than thousands good work. So you have to pass this steps very carefully.
- Understand the skill of the designer: While analyzing designers work you have to understand his skill. It depends on some side of the designer Like you must see his design style, Sense of color, alignment of objects in the designs, fonts selection etc. If it feels better to you, you can go with the designer. If his design is standard, modern, eye catchy you don't need to see his working years or other levels. Most important thing is here the design and the quality. So you mainly have to focus on the design not in the designer.
- Set up your budget : It says that Money buys quality. And in the practical life it's true indeed. The more money you will spend the more quality you will get. But what if you have a small or low budget. In this regard you can hire entry level or mid level designers. But it doesn't mean that Entry level designers have less creativity or skill. Creativity don't follow age limitations. And sometimes an entry level designer can blow your mind with his extra ordinary design. So you can't judge any designer by his ratings and long or short time experience. But as a new designer many of them have to work in low budget projects. So you can use the if you have short budget. But if you have a very good budget for the projects you can also use some new fresh designers after analyzing their works as I said creativity has no level. A new designer can also give you a better service then an experienced one. But always try to set up at least an average budget for design because you don't pay to the designers it is the respect to his work. Good budget makes a designer motivated, Confident and concentrated to the work.
- Worm Communications : While or before starting work maintain a worm communication with your designer. Don't try to over rule the designer it will hampered your work. Good behavior and worm communication is very much important to go ahead with the designer.
- Hire same designer again and again : If it's possible you can hire a same designer again and again for your all designing work. It build a very good relationship and understanding between you and your designer that will help you to get a very good result. It saves your time and words also.
- Listen to the designer : While hiring a designer sometimes we want the exact thing we want and don't judge is it good or bad. But it's not a proper way to work with a designer. You can have a opinion from the designer about your thinking. If designers seems it is OK you can proceed to the next step but sometimes it makes a very bad output when you want design as like as you want. So for avoiding this problem stay easy with the designer and listen to his opinions.
Where to find the designers?
As Graphics Designing become a very popular profession there is a lots of designers in the Both local market and online market. If you have enough time you can work with a local designer from your country. Sometimes the really big projects are done by the local expert designers. But if you don't have much time over it or if you want to get your job done by sitting up your chair then you can definitely work with a freelancer. Lots of market place exist here where you can find million of Graphics Designers as your choice as your budget. You can even through contest for your designs that will help you to find a very good result. Some popular market places here for getting your design done by professional designers like, 99design, Upwork, Fiverr, PeoplePperHhour etc. You can post your projects, contest or directly hire designer by getting into their profiles. It's very easy and secure for. It will save your time and money.
So in the end the whole process is not hard but you just have to analysis wisely that's it. A good designer can make you feel great by his wonderful designs.
And I am Sayem, Graphic Designer, Photographer and Sound Designer. I am running Pixa Graphical which is mainly a designing studio. Hope this article will help someone to find a designer next time. I will be there with some new article soon. Till then Take care. And if you really like this article don't forget to share with your lovable one. Thank you for your time.
For any types of design quarry you can contact me here