How To Find Good People - Put the Word OUT!

How To Find Good People - Put the Word OUT!

Have you ever had a man’s look? In my house, I’m often told I must’ve had a man’s look when I say something like?“where’s the mustard? I can’t find it, it’s definitely not in here”.

Of course, a man’s look is me, opening the fridge with my eyes closed and failing to find the mustard. Michelle usually reaches past me directly to it and says?“here it is, you had a man’s look again”.

Actually, she’s usually less polite than that.

But a lot of tradies and builders have a man’s look when they go out to hire someone.

(Go with me, this analogy works).

People say to me “You can’t get good people these days, there’s no one” when what they’ve done is they’ve had a man look.

They’ve made an ad and stuck it on?SEEK probably one of the free ads. And nobody has applied… Or nobody decent.

They’ve had a man’s look, haven’t they?

They haven’t really tried.

This is probably a good time to refer you to the previous video in this series. The one about finding good people – the one about making it appealing. Watch that one too.

Now, let’s assume you’ve done that and you have a good ad that will attract people.

Now you need to put the word out there.

Read Full Article Here.


Jon likes helping business owners and especially owners of trades businesses. Life can be a bit frustrating when you run a business and a trade business can be even more so.

If you're a tradie and you've got successful then you probably feel like your life is not your own, that you are always making sure everyone else is OK before you and you never get everything done. You probably work too many hours each week and take your work home with you and you probably don't make as much money as you should.

Jon reckons this stuff is fixable and that you can fix it by making some fairly simple changes to the way you do things. He should know, he's been helping people do it for a long time and he's seen the same changes work time after time. He lives in Byron Bay because he likes it and he doesn't surf because he says it's too hard but he likes beer and food very much indeed. He's written for various magazines and newspapers in his time. Mostly because they think he must know something if he's survived this long. His children disagree.

cited from?SMH, Money Magazine?


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