How to find employees with a high EQ?

How to find employees with a high EQ?

According to many recruiters and HR professionals, emotional intelligence is a decisive factor in recruitment, even more so than IQ level. How do you discover the level of emotional intelligence in candidates? Read on to find out.

What is emotional intelligence and why is it important?

The theory of emotional intelligence, also known as emotional quotient (EQ), was first put forward in the early 1990s by psychologists Peter Salovey and Jack Mayer. Since then, various scholars have added their own twists to the theory and we now have several major models of it. Emotional intelligence is considered to consist of three sets of competences:

  • psychological competences, such as the ability to recognise one's own emotional states, self-esteem and self-control,
  • social competences, such as empathy, assertiveness, persuasion, leadership and cooperation,
  • action competences, such as motivation, adaptability and conscientiousness.

So it's a very complex concept, but it's worth keeping in mind when looking for employees, especially in jobs that require teamwork. However, it's actually useful for any position, even one where you work alone.?

How do you recognise a person with high emotional intelligence?

Now you know what emotional intelligence consists of. But how do you spot it in another person? Read the candidate's CV and see what words he or she uses to describe himself or herself, and then verify this. If they claim to be an empathetic person, ask how they have recently demonstrated empathy. If they write about assertiveness, ask about a specific situation in which they had to be assertive. When talking to the candidate, pay attention to their body language and the way they speak. Look for signs of confidence or lack thereof: does the other person make eye contact? Do they adopt an open body posture? Do they speak loudly and clearly? If so, they probably have high self-esteem or know how to deal with stress.?

Questions to ask the candidate to find out their emotional intelligence

What are your three strengths and three weaknesses?

People with high emotional intelligence are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. They are also willing to work on themselves; listen to how the candidate talks about his/her flaws and if he/she mentions how he/she overcomes them.

Suppose your manager wants to make changes in the team that you do not agree with. What will you do in such a situation?

This question can reveal a lot about your approach to conflict.

What role do you usually assume in a team?

A person with high emotional intelligence is able to take on a leadership role, but is also able to collaborate in a team. This question will allow you to find out more about how the candidate perceives himself and whether he has the potential to be a leader.?

Describe a situation when you made a mistake.

No one likes to admit failure, but a person with a high EQ answering this question will show the ability to accept criticism and learn from their mistakes.??


Emotional intelligence is extremely important for virtually any position, so it's worth actively looking for it in your candidates. To do this, pay attention not only to what they say, but also how they say it, and ask for specific examples of situations in which they have demonstrated the qualities you desire.

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