How to find an easy solution no matter how hard the challenge
??Andrea Morrison??
Transformational Coach | Psychologist | 2xTedx Speaker. Enabling Female MDs, Directors & Senior Leaders realise their ambitions with confidence, resilience and balance.
When I was growing?up?I never thought of myself as particularly creative, I remember painfully sitting through art lessons, feeling quite proud of my work, only to be told that it really wasn’t that good!?I had, what I thought, some creative friends, friends who wore?really whacky?clothes, or had?arty accessories, or did interesting things with their bedrooms. I never had that. In many ways, I was quite dull!??
So?I entered adulthood believing, like many of us do, that I had missed the creativity bus?altogether. I find it funny now I am reflecting, how narrow our definition is of creativity?and how sometimes we don’t see what is available to us because we have an idea of what it should look like.??
Even the definition of creativity is a lot wider than my old art teacher led me to believe ‘the use of imagination or original ideas to create something’.?I suppose I am lucky, because I’ve always been told I have a vivid imagination! But sometimes I have clients who believe that they don’t, or that they have never come up with an original idea. What then? Is it that some people simply aren’t creative at all??
If you’re thinking that, as you read this, I invite you to take a moment and reflect on a time when you had a problem or a challenge that you thought you couldn’t solve, no matter how hard you thought about it the solution refused to present itself to you. Defeated, you left it alone – perhaps you took the dog for a walk, or?did a supermarket shop, or even took a shower.?It may have been then, or it may have been sometime later, when your mind wasn’t on it that the solution presented itself, like a little lightbulb going off in your mind!?It may have even surprised you that you could come up with such a thought! But there it was, the answer you were seeking, the answer that hadn’t come to you before, the answer that you have created!?
I see this all the time, particularly in business, and often with teams. Challenges present themselves?and everyone gets around the table and tries to ‘work it out’. Before too long frustration rises and tempers get frayed. If you’ve been there, how often does it happen that when everyone leaves the room and starts having relaxed conversation either over a cup of tea or?just walking back to their desk the ideas start flowing and before too long the solution that seemed so?elusive?suddenly presents itself??
In my mind, this is creativity in action and is part of every human being, the ability to have an original idea or thought that creates something that wasn’t there before!?Sadly, we so often overlook it, often defining it as a random occurrence or a lucky break.?But what if you knew that this is how your mind worked? That creativity isn’t something that is just art or fashion, has nothing to do with education or the level of your degree or any of?the narrow ideas we grow up with.?Rather that it’s the ability of?every human being to have a fresh thought, a fresh idea?when our minds are relaxed and clear, in other words,?we allow ourselves to?‘stop trying to work it out’?and?allow?that deeper, more creative, part of our mind, to have the time and space it needs to present us with?the fresh thought we are looking for.?
So?the next time that you are struggling with something, instead of trying to ‘power through’ know that taking a break?to have that cup or tea or a walk, far from being ‘lazy’ or giving up, is in fact an integral part of the creative process, and whilst you may not be consciously aware of the work that is going on in your?own mind, it’s definitely happening!??
with love
Andrea x
p.s if you would like to learn more about how understanding your state of mind can impact the success of your professional career or business, let’s have a chat. To find a time to suit you?click here.
Andrea Morrison is a Transformational Coach, Tedx Speaker, Writer and Columnist for The Yorkshire Post. Find out more about her forthcoming events and programmes on her website:?