How To Find Creativity To Resolve Issues When You're Feeling Overwhelmed (Even if You're Not Creative)

How To Find Creativity To Resolve Issues When You're Feeling Overwhelmed (Even if You're Not Creative)

There is no better feeling than having a positive and creative vibe throughout the day. But more times than not you need to deliberately get the creative juices flowing, especially when you are struggling to do so. Here's how you do it...

Fear Is Real. Burnout Is Real. Fatigue Is Real...

So let's talk about it!


"Slow Up: Breathe. Inspire. Work Higher."

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My wish for you is that this article inspires you to slow up!


Have you ever considered actively creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people?

Do you acknowledge the good in front of you despite the not so good in the environment?

If “not so much” is your answer, let’s explore how we can begin to create this now, shall we?

Because as contagious as the flu...

Burnout has become a widespread epidemic too.

In May 2019 the WHO included burnout as an occupational phenomenon in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases.

So, are you in a constant state of exhaustion and overwhelm?

There’s no need to wear the "I'm busy" badge of honor...

Spoiler alert - there’s no prize for it!

Instead, when we face tough circumstances, we get to take a more proactive approach to be more in tune with your emotional state.

So First Things First, OWN The Problem

I knew I had a problem to sort out that morning...

So 20 minutes later, there I was in the hall of this gray block looking building asking for Mr. Wu, and indeed, it was real, someone went to fetch him.

Mr. Wu nicely explained that the nature of my business (written on my business license) wasn’t in order because I was missing the word “fresh” in the description.

For real, one word? I said.


Then again it was no joke, it took 10 days to reissue my license, and to be able to re-open my snack bar in Shanghai. Indeed, I got to learn a few things in business back then.

Now, My Biggest Lesson In Business To Date:

Is that mistakes aren't bad - they are lessons.

That's it! And, in the mist of problem solving creativity can spark. And, this is how:


Right from the start.

A clear plan gives confidence, that way you keep at bay the fear of the unknown as you are treading waters in a new terrain as a new business owner, or in that new job.

Having a clear plan will also keep stress under control because once you’ve got your steps traced you’ll see there is room to manoeuvre the unexpected and the improvised as you go.


When you’ve got a clear plan, and this plan then is endorsed by a trusted mentor...

You gain speed and momentum; both crucial to achieving results at any stage of your business.

Relying on outside support helps to constantly have a third party, ideally, one with experience in the field, keep an eye on your development, and call upon that which needs correction or enhancement on time.


At the beginning of our business, we tend to over-do and stretch ourselves further than our human capacity with the mantra “I have to do it”.

But, that justification doesn’t honor your brilliance...

...on the contrary, it diminishes the fact that you should only be focused on doing things that you’re excellent at, the rest delegate to the experts in those matters.

When you try to do it all by yourself you run the risk of burning out or doing it half way stressed out, and perhaps losing quality along the way.

When we set healthy boundaries and match that up with clarity we start seeing tangible results.


I’m the first one to raise my hand when it comes to constantly chasing shiny objects.

Are you too?

It’s called the shiny object syndrome for a reason.

My biggest lesson of all has been to focus on one issue at a time and stay consistent.

That means, draft your plan and stay on crafting the ideas you first jot down, not pivoting weekly because you’ve posted once and nobody replied...

Or you called once and nobody answered, or you have seen them doing it and now you feel like testing that out too.


We are the biggest fans of our creations and also the ones who sabotage ourselves the most.

Also, think about it this way...

Out of integrity, why would you deny yourself to request support from a service that you need when you are asking people to pay for your own services as a problem solver? Trust the tradeoffs!

Some food for thought...



Put systems in place from day 1 that will allow you to grow and focus as you grow in that next issue or task that will arise.

Try not to procrastinate on the small tasks because these are the ones that accumulate and make you feel stressed and anxious.

When you choose a system based on the outcome you’d like to achieve...

Spend time and effort learning and mastering it.

Once it works like a well oiled machine it’s there to serve you so that you can then serve your clients and run your business.


The rule states that humans experience peak motivation when working on tasks that are right on the edge of their current abilities. Not too hard. Not too easy. Just right.

And, the most important question, have you found the edge of your current abilities?

This is how you'll #find #creativity even if you're not creative. #creativityatwork

So Far I've Learned That Finding The Middle Road...

Between what my heart desires and what the market needs are key to success and joy.

There’s no right or wrong way to grow.

However, once you find that one path of least resistance you’ll take off, overwhelm will melt away, and nothing will stop you from then on. Without stress, and lesser risk of burnout!

Apply one or all of the above and let me know of the shifts that occur, I want to know.

Here for you, friend!

Leave me a comment and let me know your biggest takeaway.

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