How These Fertility Centers Are Effectively Using APPs

How These Fertility Centers Are Effectively Using APPs

NPs and PAs improve quality of care for patients, quality of life for physicians

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This article was originally published on May 9, 2024. To read Inside Reproductive Health news as its released, you must be subscribed. Subscribe for free here.


Advanced Practice Providers (APPs) can be effectively integrated into fertility clinic teams to enhance patient care. “APPs are often used as physician extenders in the fertility space,” Dr. Courtney Failor, Medical Director of Aspire Fertility , told Inside Reproductive Health.?

Formerly called physician extenders, APPs manage new patient consults and introduce patients to the breadth and depth of fertility. They also help perform diagnostic workups with ultrasounds and radiology and monitor patients for lower-acuity fertility treatments like ovulation induction and insemination.

A recent patient survey by Inception Fertility found that over 80% of people considering fertility services across the US stated they were willing to see an APP if it would mean they were seen sooner.?

“Fertility practices can integrate APPs in meaningful ways that support both patients and physicians, increase fertility center efficiency and productivity, and ultimately enhance patient care,” Dr. Jamie Grifo, Chief Executive Physician at Inception Fertility and the Program Director at NYU Langone Fertility Center told Inside Reproductive Health.?

Transform your career with Prelude Fertility

Award-Winning Expertise: Join a team recognized with “Top Doctors” awards and accolades as America’s Top Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Innovative Environment: Work in facilities equipped with the most advanced reproductive technology, enhancing your ability to provide transformative care.

Expansive Network: Be part of the fastest-growing fertility network in North America, spanning over 90 locations, offering flexibility and security for your career growth.

Profound Impact: Contribute to a meaningful mission, having helped bring over 165,000 babies into the world, turning hopeful dreams into joyful realities.

Your expertise and passion can redefine fertility care. Start shaping the future now.

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How These Fertility Centers Are Effectively Using APPs

NPs and PAs improve quality of care for patients, quality of life for physicians

This News Digest Story is paid featured content. The advertiser has had editorial input and control over its creation. However, the views and opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Inside Reproductive Health. The sponsorship of this content does not imply an endorsement by Inside Reproductive Health.

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Advanced Practice Providers (APPs) can be effectively integrated into fertility clinic teams to enhance patient care. “APPs are often used as physician extenders in the fertility space,” Dr. Courtney Failor, Medical Director of Aspire Fertility , told Inside Reproductive Health.?

Formerly called physician extenders, APPs manage new patient consults and introduce patients to the breadth and depth of fertility. They also help perform diagnostic workups with ultrasounds and radiology and monitor patients for lower-acuity fertility treatments like ovulation induction and insemination.

A recent patient survey by Inception Fertility found that over 80% of people considering fertility services across the US stated they were willing to see an APP if it would mean they were seen sooner.?

“Fertility practices can integrate APPs in meaningful ways that support both patients and physicians, increase fertility center efficiency and productivity, and ultimately enhance patient care,” Dr. Jamie Grifo, Chief Executive Physician at Inception Fertility and the Program Director at NYU Langone Fertility Center told Inside Reproductive Health.?

Transform your career with Prelude Fertility

Award-Winning Expertise: Join a team recognized with “Top Doctors” awards and accolades as America’s Top Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Innovative Environment: Work in facilities equipped with the most advanced reproductive technology, enhancing your ability to provide transformative care.

Expansive Network: Be part of the fastest-growing fertility network in North America, spanning over 90 locations, offering flexibility and security for your career growth.

Profound Impact: Contribute to a meaningful mission, having helped bring over 165,000 babies into the world, turning hopeful dreams into joyful realities.

Your expertise and passion can redefine fertility care. Start shaping the future now.

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Improving the entire fertility journey

APPs have served as educators and ambassadors to patients during the fertility journey; fertility centers are now leveraging them to drive innovation. “Because many APPs have worked across various specialties, they bring a different perspective to ‘Fertility 101’ conversations, which can be especially helpful to someone who has never spoken to a reproductive specialist before,” says Dr. Grifo.?

Underutilized APPs can result in lengthy new patient consultation timelines or geographical limitations due to challenges opening freestanding fertility clinics. “Access to care is a barrier that patients across the country face,” says Dr. Failor. Clinics can use APPs as an extender to these locations and improve access for more patients. “APPs can be ideal bridges into the often-overwhelming world of assisted reproduction,” says Dr. Grifo. The team also sees them as skilled providers who augment physician capacity.?

APPs play a crucial role at satellite offices as leaders who can effectively expand a practice’s geographic footprint without the investment required to establish a new full-service clinic. Fertility clinics also use APPs to lead niche teams. “Many clinics have found specialty programs—such as third-party reproduction, including Donor Egg and Gestational Carrier services—to be game-changers for their practices and patients,” Dr. Grifo shares.??

Wellbeing success and staff retention

A 2022 APP wellness survey conducted at Stanford Health Care broadly indicated that APPs with higher levels of professional fulfilment and self-compassion were less likely to experience burnout and, ultimately, leave the organization.??

“Stanford’s initiatives closely align with the best practices identified at our own clinics,” says Dr.?Grifo. Inception Fertility’s patient experience steering committee has found a highly effective way to maintain efficient, compassionate, and safe patient care is to care for its employees. It focuses on opportunities for professional development, role clarity, and the ability to practice at the “top of licensure”.?

Clinics implementing and optimizing APP models have reported significant improvements in key performance indicators. “Having an APP can reduce the number of patients that need to be screened for an initial evaluation and ensure that all diagnostic testing is done and up-to-date prior to meeting with a physician,” says Dr. Failor.?

Take The Next Step

At Aspire Austin, adding a nurse practitioner to their two-doctor practice has enabled them to see more patients and grow their revenue within the first year. Patients don’t have to wait three months to get in the door, but they have a treatment plan within six weeks of calling to set up an appointment.

APP-led consults, ultrasounds, IUI cycles, and third-party reproduction programs create space in REI schedules they can use with value. They may spend this extra time facilitating more IVF cycles, consulting with higher-risk patients, and following up with patients who have experienced an adverse outcome or multiple unsuccessful cycles.?

Expanding an invaluable part of patient care

“APPs are already an extremely important part of patient care throughout The Prelude Network,” says Dr. Grifo. Inception Fertility has tested four models for leveraging APPs across its expansive network of 90+ clinics in North America. Its next step will be to roll out all four across all our regions, where applicable, allowing additional growth opportunities for each APP in the network.

“Prelude continues to maximize patient care from both a patient-experience mindset and success-driven outcomes,” says Dr. Failor. “The networking of APPs across the country and specifically across our network of clinics will enhance our ability to share and implement best practices.”

This News Digest Story is paid featured content. The advertiser has had editorial input and control over its creation. However, the views and opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Inside Reproductive Health. The sponsorship of this content does not imply an endorsement by Inside Reproductive Health.

This News Digest Is Paid Sponsored Content From

All external links active as of 5/9/2024

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This article was originally published on May 9, 2024. To read Inside Reproductive Health news as its released, you must be subscribed. Subscribe for free here.


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