How to Feel Less Isolated While Working From Home
Odds are you have been working from home for a little over a month now, and while some of us have dreamed of this for years, maybe it hasn’t stacked up to all you thought it would be. Working by yourself day in and day out, things can start to get mundane, repetitive and even lonely at times. Is anyone else starting to miss those heated conversations with strangers on the freeway during the morning commute? No? Just me?
Well, regardless if you are loving the work from home schedule, or you are starting to go stir crazy, here are some helpful tips on how to keep your spirits and energy up!
1. Incorporate More Video Meetings
Now that we are all video meeting pros, take it one step further and make them fun! Did someone say sports day themed? It may seem silly, but tell me you wouldn’t get a good laugh if Tom from marketing showed up dressed up as a hot dog?
2. Get Your Social Fix Outside of Work
Now typically, this would be as easy as going to a restaurant with some friends. But as many of us are stuck at home, you have to get a bit more creative. Try scheduling a standing workout video chat with one of your friends. Not only will you get some social interaction, you will also be working on your fitness goals.
3. Company-wide Happy Hour
Every other week, pick a set day and time and as a team end your workday 45 minutes early. Have everyone jump on a video call, play some games, grab a drink, and talk about anything NON-WORK RELATED!
4. Screen-free Breaks
While technology has many perks to staying connected right now, it can also make you feel disconnected from the real world! Take a quick walk outside without your phone, or even just sit in the living room or kitchen to unplug for a couple minutes. You will come back to your desk recharged.
5. Take a Lunch
It is so easy to work right through your lunch break, believe me I do it almost daily, but step away from the computer! Eat your lunch away from your desk and give a friend or family member a call to catch up.
To be proactive about not getting into a rut, try out one of these things this week! Last but not least, remember that we are all going through this together!