How To Feel Better About Saying 'No' As A Business Leader
Here are some tips from this article I read “How To Feel Better About Saying 'No' As A Business Leader” As a business leader, you'll have to say "no" a lot, whether it's to an employee, a client or a potentially lucrative business opportunity. However, it can be difficult for some leaders to decline a request and risk disappointing others.
Because turning people down is often part of a leader's job description, it's important to develop a healthy mindset about saying "no" and understand that it all comes down to making a sound business decision. To help you do this, eight members of?Young Entrepreneur Council?gave their best advice for getting comfortable with saying "no."
1. View The 'No' As A 'Yes'
Instead of viewing it as saying "no," view it as saying "yes" to whatever you are instead saving that time for. This could mean more time for areas of your business where you are likely to get a higher return for your time or more time to rest and recharge with family and friends so you do not get burned out running your business.
2. Mean What You Say
Let your "yes" be "yes" and your "no" be "no." Let your words have honor so you only say things that you mean and don’t carelessly blurt out meaningless words. Think thoroughly, and if you need more time to process things, allow yourself to take time to make decisions. At the end of the day, be accountable for your yeses so you're honest and brave enough when you finally do say "no."
3. Say 'No' Early
Saying "no" is a huge skill to have as an entrepreneur or business owner. A bad client or an ill-fit client can often be worse for your business than a good client is good! No matter how big or how valuable a prospect is, learning to say "no" and say it early can save your team massive time, money and energy.
4. Recognize That Saying 'No' Can Mean Business Success
To change your mindset about saying “no,” simply understand that doing so can make you more productive and your business more successful. Once you understand that and have said “no” on a few occasions, you’ll see for yourself that it’s okay to turn people down from time to time. As an additional point, just because you said “no” to someone in the past doesn’t mean you can’t maintain the relationship and potentially say “yes” in the future. ?
5. Keep Your Goals Clear
I know that "shiny object syndrome" is very common among entrepreneurs, but you need to keep your goals clear and stay the course. Saying "no" can only be a problem when you think of it as a potential lost opportunity. It's not. When you are planning to grow, you've got to be able to stick to the plan. Otherwise, you won't get anywhere. So by saying "no," you're just moving closer to your destination. It's like driving down the highway without taking any turns rather than hitting the brakes.
Want to know more? Head on over to the full article here for more ideas and perspective. Afterwards, why not drop me an email to share your thoughts at [email protected]; or call me on 0467 749 378.