How To Fast Track Your Career
How To Fast Track Your Career.!!

How To Fast Track Your Career

It is the goal of every professional starting his or his/her career to climb the corporate ladder as quickly as possible. However, only a few of them manage to make advancements in their career fast.

In the 2000 and 2010, a person would join a company, put in hard work, pay their dues and climb up the ladder in due course in the same organization. These unwritten rules have changed.

The Millennials, known for their impatience and the urge to fast track their career, switch jobs to achieve faster growth. In today’s career world, young professionals may have to take a detour to fast track their career, but those who want to arrive faster can consider the following experts recommended tips:

Have a Clear Plan:

It is important to chart out a growth plan in order to achieve your full potential. The plan, preferably a long-term career plan, should focus on where you want to get to and the steps you need to take to get there. Adjustments can be made along the way, but start early.


The rules of the game might have changed, but there is no substitute to getting a head start with the best possible education and training.


You can leverage your existing network to get a head start in your chosen career. However, you should continue your networking efforts and build a larger list of contacts to hasten the process of climbing up the corporate ladder.

Hard Work:

You need to do more than most others by putting in hard work and longer hours. Do not limit yourself to your current responsibilities. Volunteer to contribute, take up high-visibility projects and have a sense of urgency .

Hone Your Attitude:

You may be good at your work, but develop an attitude of doing whatever it takes to get the job done. You should love your job or else quit and find one which you love; stop cribbing as it spreads negativity around you and impacts your growth.

Keep Learning:

Continue to acquire knowledge and different skills so that you grow personally and become a person to be reckoned with in the industry. The relationships that you nurture outside your organization can open up mentoring as well as career advancement opportunities.

Dress Well:

You should always be dressed well, irrespective of how your colleagues are dressed. It helps to develop an attitude to succeed. The thumb rule is to dress up for the position you want.

Align Your Goals with the Organization’s Goals:

Take time to understand the mission and vision of your company as well as your boss in the right perspective and align your personal and career goals accordingly. This is because leaders are always looking for reliable lieutenants. If you fit in the slot, you will be presented with opportunities for fast tracking your career.

Be the Initiator:

More than 85 percent of the employees simply execute the work given to them. Only around 15 percent of the employees are initiators. They initiate and do things beyond their responsibilities. The initiators move up the corporate ladder faster than others.

Become a Team Player:

It pays to improve your capability to win friends as well as influence others. Those who get along well with the rest of the employees experience fast track career growth.

Recognize Efforts:

This is one quality that can be very helpful in winning hearts and fast tracking your career. Be thankful to your seniors for presenting you with the opportunities and the guidance provided and genuinely appreciate your subordinates even for small achievements and support they provide.

Summarizing, you need to work on your attitude, acquire required skills and grow as a person to put your career on fast track. Last but not the least, wear a smile to work daily and be happy!


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