Angela Rebecca Naa Ayorkor Adjei
Business Sales Consultant at Japan Motors, Heavy Duty Division (Foton Brands)
Good Old Days
I really miss the days when we went to school, lined up then the headmaster & teachers inspect our nails, teeth and uniforms. We were then made to match to our various classrooms for lessons. Do you remember ??
Remember those days when we bought beans, rice or waakye wrapped in leaf, and we ate them like the sweetest thing ever?
I remember those days when 200 cedis was more than enough money, when roasted groundnuts was 100 cedis and sweet chocomilo was 500 cedis.
What about those days we used to buy ice cream made in cups with chewing stick or palm stick in it. Do you remember poki ice cream too?
The days of maame & paapa play.....days when we used to build houses with
sand, urinate in the sand to make a pot. Days of change your style, piloloo and chaskele. Days where we dug holes in the ground to play oware using palm kennels. Days of black & white. Do you remember?
Those days where we went for mango searching in the bushes. We also played around barefooted because it was so much fun. Danced in the rain and it was safe. Days when Nestle and Unilever products were our favorite brands.
Do you also remember the days of socks ball, kpego, case 5, 4 corners and stay for u? Those days when we used to fly kites with cloths, those days when our favorite advertisements were Benjiloo, Sunlight, Milo, etc. The days where we used tin cans to build vehicles and cut slippers in round shape to be used as tyres. Days when we made our own four tyres using wood, the we rolled ourselves in used caterpillar tyres.
The days when power rangers, spiderman, Hercules, the Jetsons, teenwolf, Filinstones, Dexter's Lab, Tom & Jerry, Scooby Doo, Cow & Chicken, Johnny Bravo, the mask, journey to the west, ...etc were our favorite cartoons. Captain planet is our hero. Those days where Jackie Chan, Rambo, Drunken master and Equalizer 2000 were our favourite action movies. Akan Ewε drama, Obra, Esmeralda, Sunset Beach, Ultimate paradise and Inspector Bediako were like our Mexican soap.
Those days when crayon pen was the best. The days when we used to drink water from the tap and suck out the water even if its flowing. Iced water was sold in cups, drink opanyin de opanyin with peers saying "I'm at your back,". Those days when we will use the shell of a snail to play alokoto or the cover of a pen plus battery cover to play sugbui. Those days when we use pen and broomstick to play kpiting3.
The days when GTV will show rainbow color for 30 mins then the National anthem before they resume program @ 4pm. Days when we all sing a lion has a tail, "fox, fox fox...." and the rest. Those days when our favorite weekend shows were by the fire side, things we do for love, fun world, etc. Now DSTV and the rest have come. Mobile phones have replaced the quality evening times spent with our parents where they tell us stories. No more old fun times, but I'm really proud to have experienced all this. If you are not smiling at this, it means you were not born in my generation. #AFRICANGHANAIAN