Donna Jackson, Health and Social Care Business Consultant
"Helping You Establish Your Care Business and Guiding You to Successful CQC ( Care Quality Commission ) Registration and Inspection"
The challenge no matter what business you run is to find ways to dominate your sector. To do this is to attract more and more potential customers for your business.
There is an imperative need for your potential customers to hear, see and feel your presence showing them you are ready to solve their problems.
The aim is to draw tremendous attention to increase your pipelines, and not treat your business as a "Secret Service". Be the Kim Kardashian of your sector.
Let all your potential customers know everything important about your business. There is nothing like being overexposed in business. Don't worry about competitors, their weaknesses are your strengths. Be unique.
For the last year, I have been running several workshops which increased and triple my income, bringing me in front of my target audience and closing deals.
Some Tips To Bring Some More Attention
- Develop new monthly relationships particular with local business reporters for exposure.
- Create new partnerships with services that complement your own.
- Attend monthly networking events that are right for your business.
- Bombard your social media, engage with people. Get your social media to auto-publish.
- Publish what you do and success stories (BE PROUD).
- Join associations and attend meetings of professional groups.
- Teach classes/ workshops in your local community.
- Give away prizes/gifts to the local community.
- Launch a new aspect of the business, bringing in more attention.