How to fall more in love with your business in 2023
Kat Millar, Founder - Amplify Your Impact
Founder: Amplify Your Impact ? Business Coach & Marketing Strategist ? I help ambitious women Coaches get more high-value clients consistently
Do you want to have a business you LOVE in 2023?
Getting back into work mode after a holiday is not always easy. But what helps is having a business that you LOVE!
Why is it SO important to YOU that you LOVE your business?
For me, it’s important because
Are you building a business that you actually love?
Many people waste a lot of time in business because they are fighting so much resistance. They’re not motivated because they’re not in love with their business. There’s a lot of wasted energy and they end up exhausted.
When we’re in the swing of the year we can just get caught up in what we’re doing, but this is a perfect time to check in with what we actually want and need to have a business we love.
I am currently in a season of feeling completely loved up.
I’ve met a special someone that I feel is absolutely my person and I feel waves of joy, warmth, and fuzzy all over. I am absolutely melting and excited and grateful and so happy.
You know what I’m talking about right? We’ve all experienced it.
So – in your business, are you madly in love? Are you steady and strong? Are you feeling excited? Or have you fallen out of love with each other?
In this video, I shared:
1.?3 key essentials that make you fall in love with your business?
2. The #1 activity I use to motivate myself into action
3. How to run your business in 2023 by design – not default, so you LOVE IT!
You can check out the video here…
The 3 key essentials that make you fall in love with your business?
1. Focus on how you want to feel
Human beings are feeling machines. Everything we do, we do for a feeling.
So instead of starting with goals, start with feelings.
That means – you focus on how you want to feel – you don’t focus on what you don’t want to feel.
It’s so important to TUNE OUT ANY COMPARISON with what other people are doing – unless it’s to inspire you.
There’s absolutely NO reason to think that you should have done anything more over the holidays than you do – or in any way think that you’re behind. You’re not behind.
Forget what everyone else is doing. Who cares if there are other coaches who have been posting consistently over the holidays, and who already have put offers out.
Just tune it out.
What you have to offer right now is valuable.
The time you’ve taken off was needed.
There’s no reason to look back.
Your power to create and deliver awesomeness is still there and there is no need to compare yourself to anyone else right now.
Exactly where you are at is perfect.
Focusing on the past can bring up negative feelings.
Good feelings often come when we focus on our why.
My challenge to you is to remind yourself why you love your business so much.
As you do this, you might realise there are aspects of your business you don’t love that you’re not willing to do and you want to break up with them.
It could be an offer or a program or a system or a way of doing things that doesn’t bring you joy anymore.
If what you decided last year for this year doesn’t make sense anymore, feel free to let it go.
You were doing your best then, and now you can see more clearly.
If you have been doing something for years that is boring you to tears, think of something new or a way to tweak it to bring you more excitement again.
Nothing good comes out of continuing to flog a dead horse.
Maybe you need to:
What words do you want to feel this year?
Here are some ideas.
Joyful. Easeful. Powerful. Peaceful. Stress-free. Lit-up. On fire. Excited. Energised. On track. Abundant.?In flow. Supported.
Choose your words. I recommend you choose 3.
2. Write down what brings you those feelings
So what is it that you want this year in order to feel those feelings? What do you want your business to be like?
Write some notes. Some actions or statements or mantras. Whatever will help you. You might like to write down what you need to believe in order to feel these words.
Here’s what I wrote:
This year…
The 3 words I chose was peaceful, energised and abundant.
3. Take action according to your values
Now write down the actions you need to take to make it happen.
For example:
Peaceful – I tend my temple – looking after my body, soul and spirit. I exercise daily, I set timers to stretch and move throughout the day, and I eat nourishing food 90% of the time.
P.S?Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 other ways I can help you grow your business:
1. Grab a free copy of my?‘Client Attraction Checklist‘
It’s a powerful roadmap to attracting leads, signing clients, and scaling your coaching business. —?Grab It Here
2. Join the community and connect with like-minded Coaches & Experts
It’s our Facebook community where ambitious entrepreneurs learn how to increase their income, influence, and impact. —?Join Us Here
3. Work with me to get more clients
If you’d like to work directly with me to get more clients… just send me a Facebook Message with the word “Clients”… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details?—?Message?Here