How To Facilitate Process Mapping Session

How To Facilitate Process Mapping Session


  1. Provide background information.
  2. Communicate meeting objective and pre-meeting preparation.
  3. Provide an agenda.

Background information is important because it'll help participants understand why the meeting is held. Don't assume participants are aware or prepared for process improvement initiatives because not all initiatives are communicated or well received.

Objective and pre-meeting preparation will set the stage for the meeting. Objectives set the scope of the meeting and pre-meeting preparation keep conversations within scope.

An agenda shows participants what to expect and what deliverable is achieved at the end of the meeting.

Take a minute to examine the example below.

Background information:

  • To provide consumers with consistent Pan-seared Filet Mignon (Medium Rare).

Meeting objective and pre-meeting preparation:

  • Map out the Pan-seared Filet Mignon (Medium Rare) process from start to finish.

Take the time to think about the following at a high-level before the meeting to help build the process map foundation.

  1. Start and end points of the process.
  2. Participants performing tasks.
  3. Tasks performed between the start and end points sequentially.


Session 1: Build process map foundation (Happy Path).

  • Identify start/end points, participants, and tasks performed between start/end points by participants sequentially.
  • Description of tasks performed should be limited to 5 - 6 words.

Session 2: Review process map foundation from Session 1 and add details.

  • Add details to the process map (e.g. decisions).

Session 3: Review detailed process map from Session 2 and sign-off.

  • Review process map for accuracy.
  • Determine if additional sessions are required.
  • Sign-off.


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