"How Facebook saved a life for a man"
Grzegorz Ali D?abir Gniady
?Poet, publicist, online journalist and defender of human rights w Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch
My article "How Facebook saved a life for a man". My article appeared in May 2013. Original in Polish. English Translate Google.
"How Facebook saved a life for a man"
The social networking site Facebook is ubiquitous today. Many say that if you do not have an account on it, you do not exist. His critics believe it is a dustbin of ideas, a sink of time. However, there are times when Facebook saves people who they were in a difficult situation. A story that I will tell many here it will seem unlikely, although it really happened. May 2, 2013 a man from Pakistan wrote to me (I will not give his name to me security reasons). That man comes from respected Shia family, is a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad (AS), is the administrator of a Facebook page and a language teacher English. He lives with his grandmother, mum and two sisters in the Pakistani city of Lahore. His two are few religious uncles got married to Wahhabi women (heretically the Islamic trend). Wives have stirred up their husbands against to him and his family. Pakistanis often have a violent temperament, a there are a lot of political murders in this country and religious. This teacher and his family were afraid for their own life. Uncles who had contacts with the Pakistani Taliban were sent to different people who threatened them with death every day and before they favored home with unrefined epithets. The persecuted person hired home to move out with the family and escape from the persecutors. But the owner demanded a $ 400 advance payment. Modest teacher did not have so much. He wrote to me on Facebook with a dramatic appeal for help. He has long been in correspondence with his sister who translated it into my English article, Sunni and Shiism - two equivalent internal ones dimensions of Islam. ' This article appeared in Pakistan. Having received a dramatic message, I did not know what do. Having gathered my thoughts, I started to write e-mails to different people abroad, and to various institutions. I sent it for five days dozens of messages. Help has arrived. A Shia from Arabia Saudi (I will not mention my surname for security reasons) a few friends got on a cruise plane and flew to Pakistan, where he gave the teacher $ 200. He did it in person, not a bank account, because he was afraid someone would take over the money. On the second day, another two hundred dollars were transferred by a merchant from Indian city of Hyderabad (also Shiite). Shiites are a minority a branch of Islam. Only in Iran, Iraq and Bahrain are most. There are 10-15 percent of them and they are often persecuted. Because there is also a lot of solidarity among them. Persecuted teacher he moved out with his family far from his oppressors. He wrote thank me message. I have not received from someone for a long time so much cordiality and expressions of gratitude. It's a very nice feeling Considering the fact that after five days of searching for a way out of the situation I felt exhausted physically and mentally. However, they are in life a situation when a person can not pass indifferently to harm neighbor. I managed to help these people thanks to Facebook. If not it was this portal I would never be able to help this man. Facebook it's just a tool and it all depends on how we use it. Whether we will sit on it for hours wasting time on giving stupid people posts and talk about nothing on the chat, or we will use it less often but in very specific goals. It all depends on us, our imagination, maturity and knowledge.