How Facebook made Influence Marketing easier

How Facebook made Influence Marketing easier

There is a new generation on the horizon - gen Z - and with it, marketeers are facing new trends and challenges. In recent studies, 63% say that they prefer real people to celebrities in advertising while 37% of millennials have the same preferences. These facts transform them into an easy target for influencer marketeers. 

What is an influencer marketeer?

When someone has a solid fan base on a social media platform they are called influencer. Why? The answer is simple when they use or wear a product of a brand they are influencing the people who follow them. It works as a trigger, they transmit the message of what is trendy and what is not. A subtle way to advertise a product, similar to product placement and without the unwanted characteristics of an ad. Lord & Taylor proved the impact influencers have! They made 50 Instagram influencers use the same dress and it quickly sold out!

This trend will lead 84% of marketers to plan and execute at least one influencer marketing campaign during the next 12 months. Another reason for making it a hot topic is the fact that adblockers will not block an Instagram/Facebook photo of someone. It penetrates this barrier to deliver the content to the viewer.

How is Facebook helping marketeers?

Facebook quickly realized the power influencers have and decided to help the people involved in this type of Marketing. They implemented a new feature that allows you to display the products being used in a photo or video and a quick link to buy them. Not only it will stop people from referencing the brand in the description –reducing its length and allowing storytelling - it will also help marketeers track the performance of that campaign and shorten the path between the viewer and the purchase decision.

In this case, there is no need to advertise the molds in the description because they appear at the bottom. With this, there is more space to write a story behind the video - Storytelling sells. On the other hand, the advertiser will be able to track how many people this video was able to attract and better plan the budget for each campaign.

How can I do it?

Whenever you are sharing a photo or video press the "products" icon on the bottom left corner - you can then type the product name or its ID. If you are a marketeer ask your influencers to perform this action.

How can I create an ID for my product? 

You will need a product catalog first. In it, you can list the products you want to advertise. Once you have done it your products can have an ID. For more information go to "How do I create a product catalog in Business Manager?" page on Facebook Help Center.

The pending doubt is, when will Instagram adopt similar features?


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