How to extend the lifetime of formwork plywood
Proper handling and cleaning extends the lifetime of plywood panels. This guide shows how to handle and use your HongCheng formwork plywood. To achieve best results and a maximum number of re-uses of your plywood, please follow these instructions.
Storage and Transport
- Protect the panels from contact with water and direct sunlight.
- Store on leveled ground to avoid deflection.
- Do not move the pallet after removing the strapping.
Preparation for forming
Coated plywood is supplied with all four edges painted for protection and to reduce moisture penetration. Make sure to restore the protection after cutting or drilling panels:
- Fill any gaps between the veneers with putty and seal the edges afterwards.
- Pilot tie-rod holes before drilling.
- Paint unprotected edges and drill holes at least once with an edge sealant. Contact your local paint supplier for an appropriate enamel or acrylic edge sealant.
Oil the panels before each use. For best results, use a high-quality and biodegradable release agent.
For minimal damage to the panel surface, support should be fastened to the panel from the back.
How to minimize the ‘rippling‘ effect
The quality of the concrete finish and the number of reuses of formwork plywood are affected by the conditions on the construction site. Formwork panels are likely to be delivered to the site in a relatively dry condition (<15% mc). When first exposed to the weather conditions on site and also during the initial uses of the panels, moisture uptake may cause localised swelling of the wood veneer, which may leave impressions in the finished concrete surface. This effect is known as ‘rippling‘ and is particularly common with plywood overlaid with a phenol film. This type of plywood should therefore be conditioned prior to first use, e.g. by applying a wet cement slurry or grout wash. Localised swelling should then become less noticeable.
After use
- Clean the plywood panels immediately after use.
- To avoid damage to the surface, use plastic or nylon tools.
- Use soapy water to degrease the surface before applying release agent again.
- Repair small scratches with a suitable mastic.
- Fill any holes or scratches with mastic or epoxy filler.
HongCheng Formply is a high quality film faced plywood developed and engineered specifically for the Australian market. With a three tier quality control program comprising; a detailed ‘Manufacturing Specification’ adhered to by trained staff; more than ten years experience quaily control teams; and regular, detailed and recorded in laboratory testing on key quality requirements. HongCheng Formply provides assurance of quality and consistency. All veneer in the manufacture is certified Forest Stewardship Council FSC?(FSC-C145384) from sustainable forests.
Frank Ding Wechat/Whatsapp 0086 134 0662 6819