How to expand your comfort zone
Welcome back to the Body Talk Brief, where we will provide biweekly tips on the science of communication and what you can do to strengthen your communication skills.
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Body Talk is the global leader in evidence-based training on the psychology of communication.?
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When we talk about the comfort zone, we don’t always think about it like this:?
If you stay inside of your comfort zone, it doesn’t stay the same size. It slightly shrinks every day.?
Whatever was most comfortable for us yesterday, we’re going to do more of that. Whatever was least comfortable for us yesterday, we’re going to do less of that. Gradually, you find that your comfort zone is so small, you can’t help but bounce into the edges every day. Your experience of life becomes very limited, and there are very few things you can do without feeling uncomfortable.
Often, the idea of stepping out of our comfort zones feels like too much. It’s too scary! So how can you be brave enough to take that leap?
When we focus on our short-term gain by avoiding uncomfortable situations, we’re holding ourselves back and limiting ourselves in the long-term. But if you go in the other direction, allowing yourself to experience short-term pain (which, in most situations of expanding our comfort zones, is mostly just some discomfort), you are opening yourself up to long-term gain.?
Imagine gradually expanding your comfort zone over the course of a year, three years, five years. Suddenly, the things that you can do may far exceed what you thought you were capable of in the past, and you can accomplish your goals while feeling free and confident.?
Our CEO & Founder, Richard Newman, is a great example. Growing up, he always struggled with communication, and when he started Body Talk, he was terrified to pitch to clients! He had to meditate to prepare himself to simply pick up the phone and call them. Now, he comfortably moves through several client calls a day. By working on expanding his comfort zone day by day, he built an entire company on the science of communication and teaches courses on communication around the world.?
Focusing on expanding your comfort zone is also a great way to encourage those around you to meet their goals. We inspire others when we allow ourselves to go to places of vulnerability for the sake of improving our lives and the lives of those around us.?
It’s a balance—accepting short-term pain for long-term gain. When you connect with your priorities and goals, taking steps to expand your comfort zone in order to achieve them, your efforts can feel all the more worthwhile.?
Try to do something that scares you every day.
Even if it’s something as simple as saying hello to someone on your morning walk. It may feel daunting at first, but with practice, little conversations will become a part of your comfort zone.?
When you think of your goals for the future, think of ways in which you’re expanding your comfort zone now, little by little, for a more fulfilling and impactful life. What are you capable of when you push a little bit outside of your comfort zone? What can you accomplish or experience??
Want to learn more?
Thank you for joining us for another edition of the Body Talk Brief.
You don’t want to miss the LIFT Retreat this May 18-21 in New Forest, UK! This is the only retreat currently scheduled for this year, so book your place while you can.
Check out our ultimate guide to Advanced Presentation Skills for a more thorough introduction to what we do and tangible advice on how to apply Body Talk to your life. And as always, you can contact us here or email us at [email protected].?
Can we help with your communication skills training? We run fun and interactive courses, workshops and masterclasses to increase your team’s confidence, influence and authority. Check them out here.
Don’t forget you can pre-order Lift Your Impact by Richard Newman here in the UK and here in the US! Bulk purchases can be made here.
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