How To Be An Etch a Sketch Masterpiece
DrFred Rouse
I Help People Enjoy Retirement Sooner without worrying about a job or a business with breakthrough Short Window Retirement Planning. Details at
You remember, especially if you’re 50+, the Etch a Sketch.
It provided hours of fun and frustration way back when you were a kid.
Some people were much better at creating an etch a sketch masterpiece than others.
They would take their time and spend hours turning those two dials to come up with an awe-inspiring picture.
There are two interesting things here.
1. When they got started, the first thing they did was to make sure the screen was clear. They’d turn it upside down and shake it back and forth, so they had a clean start on the screen.
2. When it was finished, they took great pride in their accomplishment and showed it to as many people as possible being very careful not to shake the screen because they knew it could and would all just go away if someone shook their screen.
By the time we’re 50+ many things have already happened in the first half of our lives. Some not so pleasant. Some out and out devastating.
However, if you want to go forward into your retirement and create that masterpiece lifestyle that you once envisioned, you need to shake it up.
You need to let go of the problems, mistakes, and lost opportunities you’ve had in the past and start today with a clean screen.
You also know that your retirement can be severely affected by outside forces like a changing economy, health care costs and the stock market that crashes every 7-10 years. (some body/thing bumping into your screen)
These are some of the same things that have already made parts of your life uncomfortable in the last 20 to 30+ years.
Also, in the last 20-30+ years, information and techniques that were once the hidden skills of elite money makers are now widely available to people that want to take advantage of them.
These are specialized things that have not in the past, and are not now, taught in schools.
It took me 10 years and over $350,000 to research, test, refine retest and document how this system works and how you can prove to yourself that it works before ever risking a dollar of your retirement money.
To learn how to create your retirement masterpiece go to
Dr Fred “creating a masterpiece” Rouse, CFP
The REAL Money Doctor