How to Establish Contact with Extraterrestrial Beings from Other Planets
Dr. Gururaja Murthy
Director-Digital Transformation|IT Leadership|Product, Neuro Design,UX,GenAI,Program Management|Advisory|Author 108+Publics|Empyrean-Theology Scholar.
Contacting Extraterrestrial Beings: An Ancient and Modern Fascination
The idea of reaching out to extraterrestrial beings has captivated humanity for centuries, blending science fiction, spiritual practices, and scientific exploration. While no confirmed methods for communicating with extraterrestrial life exist, various approaches—both ancient and modern—offer fascinating insights into this quest.
Ancient Spiritual and Metaphysical Approaches
Historical texts and mythologies, like those in the ancient Hindu Puranas, speak of metaphysical practices aimed at communicating with celestial entities. These practices often resemble modern concepts of connecting with extraterrestrial or cosmic forces through altered states of consciousness like remote to tune in to specific channel of operating frequency
Meditation and CE-5 Protocols
In contemporary times, Dr. Steven Greer has developed the "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind" (CE-5) protocols. These methods involve meditative practices designed to initiate contact with extraterrestrial beings. Using guided meditations and specialized apps, individuals aim to establish a peaceful connection with advanced civilizations.
Channeling Higher Vibrations
Some believe they can receive messages from extraterrestrial beings by attuning themselves to higher vibrational frequencies. This practice involves entering a meditative or trance-like state to connect with non-human intelligence. This may include being strict on vegetarian diet , non alcohol/smoking ,fasting, praying and meditation practice for few years to tune to frequency for building connecting to the portal.
A Mythological Parallel: King Dasharatha and Saturn
One of the most intriguing examples of ancient cosmic communication comes from Hindu mythology. The story of King Dasharatha’s encounter with Saturn (Shani) is a testament to courage, devotion, and duty, recounted in texts like the Skanda Purana. Let’s delve into this classic tale:
The Story of King Dasharatha and Saturn
The Context
Saturn (Shani), one of the nine celestial deities (Navagrahas) in Hindu astrology, holds immense sway over human lives ,event and FATE as well. Its transit, particularly through the zodiac constellation of Rohini (Rohini Shakata Bheda), was believed to bring catastrophic drought and suffering.
When astrologers predicted this ominous event during King Dasharatha’s reign, the noble ruler of Ayodhya took it upon himself to protect his people and avert disaster.
Dasharatha’s Divine Journey
Saturn’s Acknowledgment
Impressed by Dasharatha’s valor, selflessness, and devotion to his people, Saturn relented. He agreed to spare the Earth from calamity, blessing Dasharatha with goodwill and protection.
The Moral and Legacy
The tale of King Dasharatha and Saturn is a profound allegory for the triumph of righteousness (dharma) and devotion over cosmic challenges. It underscores the virtues of courage, responsibility, and selflessness in the face of adversity, reminding us of the enduring balance between human effort and divine grace.
A Timeless Quest
From ancient mythology to modern meditation practices like CE-5, the desire to connect with higher or extraterrestrial forces continues to inspire humanity. Whether through spiritual devotion, scientific exploration, or metaphysical pursuits, the quest bridges the realms of the known and the unknown.
Would you like to explore the CE-5 protocols, delve deeper into the mythology, or discuss other approaches to cosmic communication?
Stela of Invoking Saturn codex listed below :
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