How Entrepreneurs Can Create Consistent Success

How Entrepreneurs Can Create Consistent Success

Today, I want to talk to you about consistency. You may have some ideas about consistency that work against your success - this is actually quite common - because of what we see and believe about everything others are doing.


If I won’t be sending emails 1x a week, I may as well not send any.

If I can’t commit to show up on social media 1x per day, I’ll never see results.

If I don’t make 100 offers a week, sales will not come.

Whatever you tell yourself, you’re right.

So, tell yourself better things!

Consistency simply means “steadiness.” It doesn’t demand a frequency, just a commitment. Whatever is going to bring you the highest ratio of satisfaction to joy and success is best.

If your favorite TV show could only air bi-weekly, would you stop watching it? NO! You’d be even more excited every other week for it to be new. You’d want more, but you’re also willing to wait for it because it’s the best.

Your business is the same. Your offers are, too.

So stop overthinking it or considering yourself to be the special unicorn that no one is going to set reminders for or freak over every time they release something new! Be the special unicorn people wait for with bated breath and the MOST excitement because WHY NOT!?

In fact, if you’re not convinced you are this person, ask yourself why not.

Get to the point where you are certain you are so you can confidently pick a frequency to show up at and crush it.

Let’s talk about what happens once you decide how consistency looks for you.

How can you maintain momentum and continually see success no matter what consistency looks like for you?

Think consistently

This can feel hard, especially if you have ADHD like me.

I am constantly hit with inspiration and new ideas and love switching gears. What helps here is to have less to do, which means less to change.

So, ask yourself today how can I lessen my workload?

Do only the things that have a real and direct impact on your income as your consistency baseline and do them well.

Your goal is to get these down to about 20% of your time so you have lots of room to play and grow and challenge yourself without sacrificing your results or joy.

Plan consistently

You KNOW what to do but 99% of the time you don’t do it. Especially little planning items like setting a weekly goal or evaluating your actions at the end of the day.

This is why so many people get value from Master Your Marketing. It’s not even about learning new skills - though that helps move things along way faster - it’s about being reminded to do the little things we often forget.

Make your goals, good habits, and commitments to yourself a priority - whatever that looks like. Set-up reminders throughout the day, week, month. Put post-its on your laptop screen, write notes on your planner - whatever works!

When I start working with new 1:1 clients, this is often one of the first things we do and they’re always terrible at it…until they’re not.

This is normal.

Stick with it, it pays dividends.

Track consistently

Tracking consistently is a bit different, and having scales of success is the key here.

Like, do you want to check off how many days in a row you made an offer, rate your skills 1-10, hit minimums for follower growth, send a certain number of messages, make a specific amount of money?

Most people set goals in a very blanket-type way. “Grow my follower count” - but the success is in the specificity of these goals.

There’s no right or wrong, you can change the goal anytime, but you need to decide and move toward something specific and clear and - most importantly - MOTIVATING to you!

Connect to your mission

Speaking of motivation, what drives you forward should probably be a balance of internal and external motivators. Your brain will tell you to do things even when you don’t feel like it, but it’s hard right? Especially when it’s a bigger or more long-term goal.

So you need to have drivers internally like loving the process or the work, creating a generational impact, finding joy in the little moments.

If you were to ask yourself right now, “what do I truly desire to be doing?” what comes up?

I bet a lot of what you do that doesn’t light you up doesn’t even need doing! Make sure you’re working hard for things that matter to you and others.

There’s a quote about how what we do sometimes doesn’t define us. It’s what we do all the time that does.

  • Choose your habits wisely.
  • Align them with your core values.
  • Pick a mission that energizes + excites you.
  • Commit to keep going even when it feels hard.

Mel Robbins talks about the vision board in the best way.

She says, "Don’t strive for the image of the finish line. Fill your vision board with images of the 13th mile of the race when you’re exhausted and it’s hot and rainy and miserable and you have a leg cramp and decide who you want to become in that moment. The rest will feel easy and that part will be overcome."

Too often, we’re so connected to what should be that “what is” feels less than ideal, but what is is what matters and what we’re working with so we may as well learn to cope - and, dare I say, thrive in that too!

Use systems as a back-up

When all else fails, have systems in place to allow you to succeed even on your worst, least-present days.

This takes you and the human behavior element out of the picture, allowing your business to work without you working on or in it.

Start with those 20% of income-generating actions I mentioned above and build from there.

It doesn’t have to take forever or be complicated to work beautifully.

Do it imperfectly.


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