How to Entertain Foreign Friends from Distant Shores
Concert Under the Stars - Photo by Bryce Sanders

How to Entertain Foreign Friends from Distant Shores

How to Entertain Foreign Friends from Distant Shores

Bryce Sanders, President

Perceptive Business Solutions Inc.

Do you make new friends while on vacation?? My wife and I do.? This is extremely easy if you take cruises.? We keep in touch afterwards.? We receive numerous invitations to visit them.? We extend the same invitation.? Sometimes our foreign friends take us up on the offer.? What do you do?


Let us assume your foreign friend is flying into town and will be staying with you a few days.? This might be a long weekend.

1.????? Airport transfers and jet lag.? We often promise door to door service.? We pick them up at the airport.? They might be able to take a shuttle into the city, but they still need to connect with you.? Somehow, they arrive at your home.? It makes sense to give them a few hours to unpack and nap.

2.????? The first meal is at home.? They are tired from traveling.? They need to decompress.? We usually plan a simple dinner for the first night.? It is prepared at home.? The guests can choose to turn in early or sit up and chat.

3.????? Skip the shopping.? Years ago, certain cities were famous for certain goods.? Now, everything is available everywhere.? Online shopping means you can buy anything from anywhere in the world. Shopping for them at home is probably similar to shopping in your town.

4.????? Grocery stores are an exception.? It is always fun to visit a supermarket in a foreign country.? Packaging is different.? Brand names are different.? How food is displayed can vary.? Visiting a supermarket is entertaining.

5.????? Showcase your foods.? Years ago, we met a French woman who represented a Burgundy wine negociant.? Her job involved global travel representing the brand.? When she would visit the US, her hosts in each city tended to bring her to their favorite French restaurant!? She ended up eating Frencg food regularly, even though she wasn’t in France!? We brought her to an American restaurant specializing in steaks and burgers.

6.????? Host a dinner party at your home.? Assuming language is not too big a barrier, bring together six or eight people around a dining table.? This can be another “at home” meal.? Let your foreign friends chat 1;1 with your fellow Americans.? They will ask questions.

7.????? See the sights.? It has been said people who live locally rarely see the sights making the city famous.? Few New Yorkers go to Broadway shows.? They are expensive!? Help them put together a plan to see the landmarks on their “bucket list.”

8.????? Allow for free time.? You might feel you need to act as tour guide.? Perhaps you do.? They will want some time to explore on their own.? Plan “free time” into the sightseeing schedule.? You might point out the major museum they wanted to see.? Explain they can tour on their own for the next two hours, then regroup. ??????

9.????? Breaking up the visit.? Ben Franklin said: “Fish and visitors stink in three days.? If your visitors are staying a week, you can easily get on each other’s nerves as the novelty wears off.? Considerate visitors will announce they intend to visit a nearby city and stay overnight.? You offer to drive them to the train.? This gives both the host and the guest time to recharge.

10.? Watch the costs.? We try not to put guests into the position where they need to pay for expensive meals.? We are careful with our choice of restaurants.? They will usually suggest splitting the bill.? Sometimes we pickup the check.? Guests will often pickup the dinner check on one night out.? It’s a thank you for hosting them in your home.

Your foreign friends will leave impressed.? They will start talking about when you can come and visit them!


Bryce Sanders is president of Perceptive Business Solutions Inc.? He provides HNW client acquisition training for the financial services industry.? His book, “Captivating the Wealthy Investor” is available on Amazon.




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