How to ensure bulk quality during Covid19

Chinese Spring Festival is approaching, many factories have stopped production, and our factory will be also closed this week for production too. Fortunately, we shipped seveval containers in January,how to ensure the bulk quality and deliveries? Our company do this,go to factories for face to face inspection, or Video inspection to ask factory to measure,to check very details to ensure bulk quality is great before shipping. So customers can have a quality guarantee for consumers, and we do hope all customers have a great sales, so we can grow together for 2021 and moving forward.



  • 公司名称的由来


    上海君勤服饰有限公司-UUP 中国人有句古话,叫天道酬勤。勤字是指尽力而为的意思。 勤能补拙,积极进取的心态和行动,能够改正缺点。 勤学苦练,孜孜不倦的学习和训练,可以锻造专业。…

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