How to Enjoy Work?
This question has been there since humanity started working to earn a living. If there is no expectation from Work, we call it Volunteering. There are some people who expect something from volunteering also. The expectation may be Respect from the receiving end of your services or gratitude or an indirect benefit from the divine. If none of this is there then you may not want to do Volunteering also. If one cannot enjoy Volunteering also, how can one enjoy Work? Is it an impossible thing to enjoy Work?
No. Even to consider reading further, you need to have open mindedness to consider reading. If you dismiss this possibility, you may have a conclusion, but not a solution. Read further only if you need a solution that can work for anyone in this World. No beliefs required, you just need to think logically without your prejudices overtaking you.
Only if we have something, we can give. I enjoy Work if I need to work. If there is no need to work, I am anyway joyful and content. Because I enjoy, I know the underlying rationale and wisdom needed to be that way. I am going to talk here about needed mastery over mind, body, and emotions. I am continuing to master and thus I thought I will share the same technology of wellbeing.
It may be best if you listen to these videos and get it from horse’s mouth.
6min video How to be a Volunteer in every part of Life? | Sadhguru
9min video on What it means to be a Volunteer?
Sadhguru on Willingness and how to be 100% Yes to Life
Essentially Sadhguru is talking about ‘Willingness’ or ‘100% Yes to Life’ or ‘No calculations of what’s there in it for me?’. But without knowing any expectations, why will someone work? Let’s look at your Heart, Kidneys, Liver, Hand, Breath etc. – are they expecting anything in return for their Work? They are true volunteers. They may breakdown, but they are 100% willing to work. But how do we know they are joyful? If Heart is unwilling because lungs are not doing their job properly, you cease to exist. But it will try beat until its last breath. They do it without any need for them. But we have needs.
To fulfill the needs, we work. ?If the needs are not fulfilled, we cannot work. That means we have expectations. Why do we play a game of our liking? To enjoy the process of game. But if you have to win, do you enjoy every part of it? ?Whenever you think you are losing, you may start suffering. People throw all kinds of tantrums during the game. Same way we do the same at workplace. It means we are not enjoying the process of Work. That means we have Likes and Dislikes. Mondays and Fridays are not equal for such people. They look forward to running away. If you are Willing, there is no difference. Playing a game on Monday or Friday doesn’t matter.
There is something more fundamental to transcend our Likes and Dislikes and just do what’s needed willingly. To know what that thing is, try inner engineer yourself. Sadhguru can help with that. Just watch the below.
Now you watch any other Sadhguru videos on how to joyfully conduct life given any situation in life or go through the free Yoga sessions or meditation programs. If you see any progress, then go through the advanced programs. It’s important for everyone to enjoy every moment of their life. It’s possible. I am living it mostly and constantly improving day by day.