How to enjoy boredom and find your creative spark again.
Murielle Marie Ungricht
Business and Career Coach Helping Creatives & Entrepreneurs Get Unstuck | Founder & CEO of | Author | Autistic Entrepreneur
I've been on a bit of a journey lately. Just as my book deep dive was around the corner (the replay is available here), I got sick. I had to make the long journey back from NYC still feeling dreadful, and it took me almost two more weeks to fully recover. But I'm back now, feeling better than ever!
Something I've been reflecting on while I was lying in bed, unable to work or do anything productive other than look at the ceiling and ponder, is how boredom has received such a bad rep in our lives and our work.
We have become accustomed to constantly being stimulated and entertained. But what happens when that constant state of excitement turns into boredom? Or when you cannot do your work and just have to lie there, waiting to feel better?
Every time I get sick, I think I've lost my spark forever. It usually takes me a few weeks, even a month, to really get back into my creative flow after that.
For creatives, this can be especially challenging. Our work thrives on inspiration, passion, and excitement. When we lose that spark, it can feel like our creativity has disappeared. And worse, like nothing matters anymore. There's no flow left; everything seems cold and grey. Why get out of bed in the morning for this?
How do we take advantage of boredom and find our creative spark again?
No matter how small, every step you take is a step towards finding your flow again. That includes accepting that sometimes all you can do is rest, sleep, and daydream.
I invite you to start seeing time as a gift, knowing that if you can be patient, it will always work for you, not against you.
With curiosity and courage,
Murielle Marie
P.S. I'm right here, ready to become the co-conspirator to your success. Leap and get on a call with me (I promise, I won't bite - or charge you anything for it).