How to embed your facebook page on your own website for more views and likes?
wonder? How to embed your facebook page on your own website for more views and likes?
you can embed your facebook page on your own website simply by following these simple12 steps ….
Step 1:
Now for starting to add your facebook page on your website in your first step…
go on facebook for developers website, now facebook management has changed it’s name to Meta for developers.
for this you can search link from search engine, simply typing facebook for developers or meta for developers
search engine search bar
Step 2:
click on link meta for developers and website will get open
Developer website image
Step 3 :
open search option on top right corner with magnifying glass icon and type plugins
Search for plugins
Step 4 :
press enter and results for plugins page will open in front of you.
search result
Step 5:
click on first Social Plugins – Documentation – Facebook for Developers
you will reach social plugins page
Social plugins
Step 6:
from left sidebar click page plugin
page plugin page will open
page plugin
Step 7?:
scrol down and in feild where facebook page url , is mention, copy and paste your page url from address bar.
facebook page url
for url , open your facebook page
sample of facebook page
and on top address bar your page url will appear, just copy that and paste on page plugin page facebook page url field
address bar sample
Step 8:
leave rest fields as it is( if you are not interested to change default height and width etc ), and scroll down and click on get code
Get code
Step 9:
two options will appear
one is JavaScript SDK and other is iFrame code,
both options also have some steps to follow as mentioned there.
Step 10:
her you copy code from Iframe wher only one step is mention if you are not login from your fb account.
simply copy that code
iFrame code
Step 11:
now open your website write post page
open HTML add option and paste that code in it, then click preview and you can see your page embedded visual…
custom HTML code paste
Step 12:
publish your post and your facebook embed page will appear on your website…..
Publish button
embedded Facebook page on website
you can change width and height of your embed page on page plugin , before clicking get code option in developer website page….
You can See embedded page on this website here