How to Eliminate Those Old Nagging Injuries

How to Eliminate Those Old Nagging Injuries

As a man over 40, especially an active guy, it's VERY common to have some sort of an orthopedic issue. It could be from years ago, or it could be something new.

Most of the time these things are accepted as part of the aging process.

Sometimes, in extreme circumstances, this could be true.

Sort of like the guy who has no meniscus left in his knee from YEARS of wear and tear.

But for the majority of old nagging injuries, it's not an aging problem.

Truth is, there are likely just as many YOUNG, active people dealing with very similar issues.

And if you can shift your mind away from "age" as being the culprit, then we can start to get to work on solving the real problem.

The real problem is POOR strength.

As an example, if you're a runner, the amount of force that goes through your leg on every foot strike is incredibly high.

This force, when not adequately controlled by the musculoskeletal system, can create inflammation, arthritis, and possibly even severe damage to the structures of the ankle, knee, and/or hip joints over time.

The result...You're freakin joints hurt.

Truth is, YOUR MUSCLES should be the primary force absorbers and force creators.

Not your tendons, ligaments, bones, fascia, and cartilage.

Those things are meant to be the safety net for when muscles fail.

And muscles don't tend to fail when they are STRONG.

So, how do you get strong(er)?

Glad you asked!

For most, when faced with joint pain for long enough they head to the Doctor for an eval.

That usually leads to an RX for physical therapy.

The physical therapist starts their rehab protocol by restoring the range of motion in the joint, turning the muscles back "on", and then starting you on a "strengthening program".

The "strength" program is usually some band work along with some basic bodyweight movements to improve coordination, stability, and balance.

Good chance you'll start feeling better, but it won't be long before the issue comes back.

Even IF you're diligent with your rehab exercises.

Then, you start feeling like physical therapy just doesn't work.

Truth is, physical therapy DOES work!

But it's really only a tool that is designed to build a very basic, rudimentary amount of strength.

The problem is, we don't have a clear definition of what it means to be STRONG.

And you may have been led to believe that you're strong because you can do all your PT "strength" exercises like a champion, but these things DO NOT create strong people.

These things won't make you STRONG

Ask any professional strength and conditioning coach about what it means to be strong, and it'll be VERY different than what your physical therapist considers strong.

Start looking at strength as a continuum consisting of different levels.

Let's imagine there are 10 levels...

The physical therapist will only get you to level 1 strong.

And there's a very good chance your active life requires a level 3 (or higher) strength to keep your joints safe.

And if you connect with a good strength and conditioning coach (not a bodybuilding coach) they can safely take you to a level 10 strong.

And without a doubt, (I've been doing this for 25 years) the level 10 strong person is WAAAAAAAAAAY more bulletproof and will ultimately enjoy their active life with far fewer silly injuries and setbacks.

And if you're picturing some giant, steroid-infused bodybuilder, it's NOT what I'm talking about.

Rather, the goal of a strength and conditioning coach is to make someone STRONG! Not BIG.

The muscles you have on your frame RIGHT NOW likely have 100X more strength potential than where you are currently.

For proof, check out this 12-year-old girl lifting 243# from the floor and into an overhead position.

She is not big...but she is incredibly strong...and powerful.

And most men today cannot even lift 200# off the ground. And forget about getting it overhead.

This is a massive problem.

Most guys are extremely weak these days...and they may not even realize it.

The point is...if you have nagging injuries, GET STRONGER!

And please know that you have far more potential than you may think.

Likely, you've just never been exposed to what it means to be truly strong - Aside from maybe some old-school, bodybuilding routines you've been exposed to. (These can be more harmful than helpful)

And never fall for the "you're too old for that" story.

It's false.

And don't get stuck at level 1 strength.

It's like purgatory.

Just because you're doing all the exercises your PT gave you, doesn't mean you are getting stronger...It just means you're reinforcing your place in purgatory.

When you level up your strength, there is a very good chance that your orthopedic issues will completely disappear and NEVER show their face again.

Wouldn't that be nice :-)

If you'd like to learn how Athletic After 40 helps guys over 40 build their strength and conditioning so they can say goodbye to old nagging injuries once and for all, send me an email telling me about what you're dealing with and I'll help you.

Life's too short to live with old nagging's time to get strong!!!

Your "skinny yet oddly strong" coach

Tony Bevilacqua

[email protected]


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