How To Eliminate The Guilt Of Success
????Val Wright
Global strategy and innovation expert, speaker, and author of Thoughtfully Ruthless ??, Rapid Growth, Done Right?? and Words That Work ??
Not every business is failing today, in fact, some are booming.
When I talk to executives at companies who are experiencing Black-Friday-like sales every day of the week or having unprecedented sales growth I tell each of them the same:
Don’t feel or act guilty for your success.
That reinforces a false narrative that the whole world is suffering, failing, and falling into despair.
Of course, you cannot be tone-deaf in your communications, marketing, customer interactions, employee, or community involvement. BUT that doesn’t mean you need to be silent or avoid talking about your success.
Everyone wants to hear a positive story, you just need to let go of the guilt of not wanting to share it.
It isn’t enough to be brilliant, you have to be brilliant at demonstrating your brilliance.
So I would love to hear - how is your business booming and what is a recent success you want to share?
Here is my guilt-free share of success. In addition to Amazon UK and Amazon’s Kindle US bestsellers list my new book has now hit the Porchlight Business Best Sellers list for May at #7, if you are looking for a brilliant read, please buy #5 It’s About Damn Time by Arlan Hamilton, I was lucky to be part of Arlan’s Preview Book Club and it is a great story of how Arlan broke through the typical boys club of Silicon Valley to launch a successful VC firm Backstage Capital.
Dedicated to growing your business,
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