How to Eliminate the Expense and Aggravation of Retrieving and Reprinting Customer Documents
If anyone has been audited by the IRS, dealt with a home theft insurance claim or had to show income history during a divorce, then they know that it can be difficult to obtain the past 12, 24 or 36 months of bills, statements, invoices and records. Even electronic documents that are older than a year are hard to find, while accessible documents for individuals who are blind or vision impaired are extremely difficult to track down.
Many organizations will provide 3-6 months of previous PDF statements via their customer portal. Some will even print and mail a paper copy of the previous month’s statement, but those organizations are dwindling fast. Why is it difficult to obtain older copies of statements from a bank, claims documents from an insurance company or medical records from a hospital or any other organization that we conduct business with? It has to do with the time, labor and cost of manually printing and mailing the requested information to you. According to?Bell & Howell, “…industry estimates suggest that materials and labor needed for manual reprints can cost anywhere between $15 to $20 per piece,” with a large portion of cost going to labor.
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