How Einstein Revolutionized Entire Physics Community and drastically improvised Newtons Physics.
Suraj Singh
Project Engineer Trainee @Wipro | Backend Developer | #Global_Rank_228 Amazon ML Challenge | Researcher | IEEE | Spring Boot
"Facts are not science as the dictionary is not literature"
- Martin H Fischer
The year was 1687 AD.
A virgin scientist (that's right, he never did it!!), Sir Issac Newton published this book
"Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica"
In this book, he presents his famous the "Laws of Motion" and the "Law of gravitation"
Together, The "Laws of Motion" along with "The Law of Gravitation", formed the basis of Newtonian Physics (Newton's Physics) or Classical Mechanics.
The Newtonian Physics seemed to have absolutely no flaw at all and it was assumed that no one in the future of humanity will ever be able to find a flaw in this theory no matter what.
This was the "Godly" reputation that Newton made for himself in the entire physics/science community for years, that followed even after his death.
About 200 years later,
In 1905, A third class employee at the Swiss Patent Office, Published a Controversial theory. This theory not just only demolished the basis of "Newtonian Mechanics" completely but it also revolutionized our entire understanding of Physics and the way we see the universe today!
He saw flaws and limitations in Newton's ideas that no one else was able to find out. Not just that, but he gave his own alternative theory which looked a lot better than so-called "The Newtonian Physics"
Now that's what you call an achievement. Isn't it?
But unlike Newton, this guy's life was actually, a complete failure.
Due to his poor grades in school and unacceptable attitude towards the whole Education System, his teachers told his parents that it's worthless to have any sort of faith on him as he won't get successful at anything in life, no matter what.
After a long series of failures ( poor grades, not getting admissions in desired colleges, getting rejected for any sort of jobs etc.) he finally managed to get hired as a "third-class clerk" at Swizz patent office.
After this, he went on to become one of the greatest geniuses to walk on the surface of earth ever.
His name was Albert Einstein.
Let's get started....