How to Efficiently Repurpose Video to all Platforms?

How to Efficiently Repurpose Video to all Platforms?

You might have noticed I share, what appears to be, the same video on all platforms.

Crazy right?

What you might not be aware of, is that there is a method to my madness.

It’s one thing to share the same video to all platforms just to post and share everywhere, but it’s not what I’m doing.

I’m sure you’ve heard gurus and coaches tell you that you need to share content native to the platform.

What is native content?

What the gurus mean when they say you should share native content is that each piece of content should be uniquely created for the platform.

For example, if you post on Instagram, it should be a square image, a square video or a IGTV formatted video.

The text should mention the platform by name and in a video, you should talk to that platform.

If you really wanted to create videos for each platform, you’d record a new video for each so that the words used are relevant to the platform.

For example, in instagram video, you’d talk about followers and ask them to follow you and heart your post, but in LinkedIn video, you’d talk about connecting with you and Facebook would be becoming friends.

Stories are a great example of native content too

If you think of stories and recording them, that can explain the concept even better.

Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok all allow you to record stories.

Each platform has different options and tools to record your story and you can also upload videos.

In the best world, where you have time to do this, you’d record a story using the platform’s video recording tools and options to make it unique to that platform.

It wouldn’t be extremely time consuming but if you recorded a 60 second story for each platform and took 5 minutes to edit and perfect it, that would be about 25 minutes per day.

But that’s just stories!

I always thought there’s got to be a better way!

How did I learn to be omnipresent and why?

I remember my friend?Marc Lalonde, the Wealthy Trainer?a few years back put together a training he called Octo Content (btw,?you can get it at– use the coupon code cis416 for crazy 90% off)

Marc explained how and why Gary Vee talks about Omni Presence online and how you must be everywhere to stay relevant.

Problem for most people is that it takes a team of 5-20 people to “be everywhere” and if you look at content leaders like Gary Vee, Russell Brunson, Eric Worre or Tony Robbins create, it’s obvious they have a team doing it.

So, how can you do it without a team? That’s what the Octo Content model teached me.

It was a 3 month, 12 session journey and was well worth it!

How can you create native content with a single video?

In the Octo Content training, we learned about 8 different types of content that was needed to be omnipresent.

Text and image as well as video and audio with varying lengths but it was a manual effort.

The great thing about manual effort is that...


