How to efficiently forge connection rod by Reduce roller machine?
How many people know what a connecting rod is? How to make it?Connecting rods are essential components in the power transmission system
The main forging steps of a certain connecting rod shaft are: free forging → grinding of blank defects → die forging and clamping → final forging.
For traditional forging mode, Hydraulic forging hammer directly forges round materials , the production efficiency
Square Billet forging is difficult, inefficient and costly
Now, a roll forging machine is used to make the blank, which reduces the difficulty of the blank making operation, saves the consumption of raw materials and product production costs
After the successful improvement of the forging process of a certain connecting rod shaft, more than 10,000 pieces have been produced in total, reducing raw material consumption by 19kg per piece. The improvement of the forging process of a certain connecting rod shaft has achieved Good economic and social effects.
After production verification, a certain connecting rod shaft forging process improvement
Get more machine information or wanna upgrade your production line contact our forging team get a foge solution with your drawing
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