How to effectively use your email

How to effectively use your email

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It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the email that comes into your inbox every day. You can quickly find yourself buried under a mountain of emails between work and social media if you’re not careful. So, how do you keep your email organized? And what strategies can you use to ensure important messages don’t get lost in the shuffle? Here are some tips.

  1. Arrange your inbox into priorities.?The first step to getting a handle on your inbox is to organize it into priorities. You can do this by sorting emails by sender or subject, or using the date they were sent. You can also create folders for different types of messages and then file away emails that don’t fit into those categories.
  2. Set up automatic filters.?Set up automatic filters. By setting up filters, you can automatically file messages into folders you create based on sender, subject line or keywords. In the Settings menu of your Gmail account, look for the “Filters” section and click “Create a new filter.
  3. Unsubscribe as much as possible.?You can reduce inbox clutter by unsubscribing from as many newsletters and emails as possible. This is particularly important if you’re receiving a ton of emails that aren’t relevant to you or if they don’t contain information that’s useful to you. When an email arrives in your inbox, take a quick glance at it before deciding whether it’s worth keeping around. If the answer is no, then unsubscribe with one click!
  4. Check your email less often.?It’s easy to become addicted to checking your email, but there are a few things you can do to keep yourself in check. Set aside specific times throughout the day when you will check your email. This can be as simple as scheduling 30 minutes in your calendar that are dedicated to checking emails and responding to them. Don’t check it every 5 minutes. This might seem obvious, but so many people have developed a habit of always having their inbox open and constantly refreshing it.

Bonus Tip (and our favourite):?Hire a virtual assistant to help you.

A virtual assistant can scrape your email and organize it daily for you. Email management is something we do a lot of for our clients here at wrksourcing.

Having a VA makes responding to emails more manageable without relying on tricks like filters or canned responses—they make it easy for you to deal with all of your emails at once if you want. Yet, they don’t force you into doing that if it doesn’t fit into your workflow.


It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the idea of managing your email, but it doesn’t have to be. By setting up filters and automatic unsubscribe processes, you can free up time for other work. And by checking your inbox only once or twice a day at most—you don’t need to check it every hour!—you will avoid unnecessary stress caused by having too many notifications in your inbox at any given moment.



