How to effectively manage your employees
Abhi Golhar
As a speaker and Managing Partner of Meridian 84, we equip business leaders and high performers to win the game of doubt and accelerate profitable growth and innovation.
There's a lot that goes into managing employees, but the best leaders know how important it is for everyone on your team to be successful. They empower their workers by giving them all of the tools and advantages they need in order to achieve success which ultimately helps you reach yours too!
Here’s how you can effectively manage your employees:
Adopting an open door policy by being transparent and giving feedback
Communication is the key to any successful team. However, as a business owner you need more than just open communication with your employees-you also want them engaged in what they're working on and how it will affect their jobs! It's important for businesses of all sizes—from startups that are still figuring things out or growing pains due from expanding into new areas to have an adoptable Communication Policy so everyone knows where he/she stands at each step along the process!
Show your employees that you care about their well-being by keeping an open door policy and making time for casual conversations. You should also share information relevant to them, such as updates on projects they may be interested in or what plans/tentatives are happening within the company next week!
Giving your employees the opportunity to give you feedback on policies and processes shows that they are valued members of an important team. It’s also a great way for them to provide suggestions in order to create better work environments, which will make everyone happier down the line!
Giving them concise goals and objectives
Job descriptions don't prepare employees for their upcoming workload. This can lead to longer task completion times and confusion about what needs done next! If you're unclear on a project's requirements, it will take longer than necessary just because there are so many unknown factors in play-and that doesn’t sound very efficient at all.
In order to ensure clear communication with each other (and get projects completed quicker!), make sure everyone knows exactly where he/she stands before setting goals & objectives; define precise instructions rather than leaving room open ended questions like “please provide ideas" - basically anything outside of core competencies!
The SMART goal format is an excellent way to ensure that all of your employees are on the same page and can get started immediately. This will help you avoid any potential confusion or frustration from beginning with vague statements about what success looks like, which would only confuse them in addition to frustrating those who want nothing more than clarity around goals ahead of time so they know how much hard work needs put into reaching these destination points!
Provide training for growth
Great leaders know that giving their team members new challenges and roles will keep them motivated. Here are some ways you can help your employees develop: provide in-house training programs, mentor other departments on skills they need for future projects or tasks (this could be an awesome way to give someone else a boost!), maintain a culture where all workers represent the company at conferences by attending events together as well!
Helping your employees grow is an investment that pays off for you and the company. Not only will they be more competent, but their growth also makes it possible to take on new challenges with confidence!
Build a trusting relationship
Trust is a major factor in employee productivity and motivation levels. If your employees feel like you don’t trust them enough, they'll be demotivated and display poor performance! Research even shows that when leaders have high degrees of leadership credibility then workers invest more effort into their jobs which increases company profits by 12%.?
There are ways to build up this crucial measure within the business by providing privacy for all involved parties as well as stopping micromanagement from happening so there's less chance of self-confidence issues or low involvement with tasks assigned. Also remember, feedback should only be provided when it is necessary, like if the user has made a large change in their behavior. It's not appropriate to offer feedback on every little detail of what they are doing wrong or right as this will seem like you're nitpicking and make them feel criticized all day long!
Having an incentive-based system
An incentive-based approach is essential to keep your employees motivated. When we reward our staff for their hard work, it shows them that they are appreciated and valued members of the team - which in turn helps motivate more effort from those who might otherwise grow tired or complacent with one job description after another!
Employee recognition is important for many reasons, not just because it’s the right thing to do. Employee satisfaction levels can improve when they receive appreciated feedback from their employer on an ongoing basis through thank-you notes or parties celebrating accomplishments within work- so it's not just about giving them monetary appreciation!