How to Effectively Manage State and Side Effects using React Hooks
Divyansh Singh
Senior Software Engineer @ Razorpay | Tech Writer | Frontend | (CSE'22)
React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces has undergone significant changes in recent years, and one of the most impactful additions has been the introduction of React Hooks. Hooks allow developers to manage state and handle side effects in a more elegant and functional way, leading to cleaner and more maintainable code.
In this article, we will explore how to effectively manage state and side effects using React Hooks.
Understanding React Hooks
Before diving into the state and side effects, let's briefly understand what React Hooks are. Hooks are functions that allow you to "hook into" React state and lifecycle features from function components. Prior to hooks, managing state and side effects typically required using class components, but hooks enable us to achieve the same goals in a more functional and concise manner.
Core Hooks for State Management
1. useState:?
This hook allows us to manage the state within a functional component. It returns a state variable and a function to update that state.
import React, { useState } from 'react'
function Counter() {
? const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
? return (
? ? <div>
? ? ? <p>Count: {count}</p>
? ? ? <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Increment</button>
? ? </div>
? );
2. useEffect:?
This hook is used to perform side effects in functional components. It accepts a callback function and runs it after the component has been rendered.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
function DataFetcher() {
? const [data, setData] = useState([]);
? useEffect(() => {
? ? // Fetch data from an API
? ? fetchData().then((result) => {
? ? ? setData(result);
? ? });
? }, []);
? return (
? ? <div>
? ? ? <ul>
? ? ? ? {, index) => (
? ? ? ? ? <li key={index}>{item}</li>
? ? ? ? ))}
? ? ? </ul>
? ? </div>
? );
Managing State Effectively
1. Use Destructuring for State
When using the 'useState' hook, you can utilize destructuring to access the state variable and its updater function. This enhances code readability and reduces repetition.
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
?2. Handling Complex State
For complex state objects, you can use the 'useState' hook to manage individual pieces of state. This makes it easier to update specific properties without affecting the entire state.
const [user, setUser] = useState({ name: '', email: '' })
// Update only the name property
setUser((prevUser) => ({ ...prevUser, name: 'John' }));
3. Using the Functional Update Pattern
When updating state based on the previous state, use the functional update pattern to avoid potential race conditions.
const [count, setCount] = useState(0)
// Increment count based on previous value
setCount((prevCount) => prevCount + 1);
Handling Side Effects
?1. Controlling the Effect
The second argument of the 'useEffect' hook is an array of dependencies. By specifying dependencies, you can control when the effect runs. Omitting the dependency array causes the effect to run after every render.
useEffect(() =>
? // This effect runs after every render
? // ...
}, [dependency1, dependency2]);
?2. Cleaning Up Effects
The 'useEffect' hook allows you to return a cleanup function, which runs before the component unmounts or before the effect runs again.
useEffect(() =>
? // This effect runs after every render
? return () => {
? ? // This function runs before the next effect or unmount
? ? // ...
? };
}, []);
?3. Avoiding Memory Leaks
To prevent memory leaks, ensure that you clean up any subscriptions, intervals, or resources used by the effect when the component unmounts.
useEffect(() =>
? const interval = setInterval(() => {
? ? // ...
? ? return () => {
? ? ? clearInterval(interval);
? ? };
? }, 1000);
}, []);
Custom React Hooks
Custom hooks enable you to encapsulate and reuse stateful logic across multiple components. Below are some of the custom hooks that might come in handy:?
? ? useState,
? ? useEffect
} from 'react';
const useLocalStorageWithExpiry = (key, defaultValue, expiryInMinutes) => {
? ? const [value, setValue] = useState(() => {
? ? ? ? const item = window.localStorage.getItem(key);
? ? ? ? if (item) {
? ? ? ? ? ? const parsedItem = JSON.parse(item);
? ? ? ? ? ? if (parsedItem.expiry && > parsedItem.expiry) {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? window.localStorage.removeItem(key);
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return defaultValue;
? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? ? ? return parsedItem.value;
? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? return defaultValue;
? ? });
? ? useEffect(() => {
? ? ? ? const expiryTime = + expiryInMinutes * 60 * 1000;
? ? ? ? const item = {
? ? ? ? ? ? value,
? ? ? ? ? ? expiry: expiryTime
? ? ? ? };
? ? ? ? window.localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(item));
? ? }, [key, value, expiryInMinutes]);
? ? return [value, setValue];
export default useLocalStorageWithExpiry;
The 'useLocalStorageWithExpiry' hook allows you to store data in the browser's 'localStorage' with an expiry time. It takes three parameters: 'key' (the key for storing the data), 'defaultValue' (the initial value if no value is found in 'localStorage'), and 'expiryInMinutes' (the duration in minutes after which the stored value should expire). It returns a stateful value and a function to update that value. The hook retrieves the stored value from 'localStorage' and checks if it has expired. If it has expired, the value is removed from 'localStorage' and the default value is returned. Otherwise, the stored value is returned. Whenever the value changes, it is stored in 'localStorage' with the expiry time.
Use Case:
This hook can be useful when you want to store temporary data in the browser that automatically expires after a certain period. For example, you can use it to store a user's session token that needs to be valid only for a specific duration.
? ? useRef,
? ? useEffect
} from 'react';
const usePrevious = (value) => {
? ? const ref = useRef();
? ? useEffect(() => {
? ? ? ? ref.current = value;
? ? }, [value]);
? ? return ref.current;
export default usePrevious;
The 'usePrevious' hook allows you to get the previous value of a state or prop. It uses the 'useRef' hook to create a mutable ref object. The effect updates the ref object whenever the value changes. The previous value is stored in the ref object, which is then returned.
Use Case:
This hook can be useful when you need to compare the current and previous values of a state or prop. For example, you can use it to track changes in a specific prop and perform some actions based on the comparison.
? ? useState,
? ? useEffect
} from 'react';
const useOnlineStatus = () => {
? ? const [isOnline, setIsOnline] = useState(navigator.onLine);
? ? useEffect(() => {
? ? ? ? const handleOnline = () => setIsOnline(true);
? ? ? ? const handleOffline = () => setIsOnline(false);
? ? ? ? window.addEventListener('online', handleOnline);
? ? ? ? window.addEventListener('offline', handleOffline);
? ? ? ? return () => {
? ? ? ? ? ? window.removeEventListener('online', handleOnline);
? ? ? ? ? ? window.removeEventListener('offline', handleOffline);
? ? ? ? };
? ? }, []);
? ? return isOnline;
export default useOnlineStatus;
The 'useOnlineStatus' hook allows you to detect the online/offline status of the user's browser. It initializes the 'isOnline' state with the current online status using 'navigator.onLine'. It sets up event listeners for the 'online' and 'offline' events and updates the 'isOnline' state accordingly. The effect runs only once (on mount) and removes the event listeners when the component unmounts.
Use Case:
This hook can be useful when you want to provide real-time feedback to the user based on their online/offline status. For example, you can show a notification when the user loses internet connectivity.
? ? useState,
? ? useEffect
} from 'react';
const useIdle = (timeoutInMs) => {
? ? const [isIdle, setIsIdle] = useState(false);
? ? useEffect(() => {
? ? ? ? let timeoutId;
? ? ? ? const handleIdle = () => setIsIdle(true);
? ? ? ? const handleActive = () => {
? ? ? ?? ? setIsIdle(false);
? ? ? ? ? ? clearTimeout(timeoutId);
? ? ? ? ? ? startTimeout();
? ? ? ? };
? ? ? ? const startTimeout = () => {
? ? ? ? ? ? timeoutId = setTimeout(handleIdle, timeoutInMs);
? ? ? ? };
? ? ? ? startTimeout();
? ? ? ? window.addEventListener('mousemove', handleActive);
? ? ? ? window.addEventListener('keydown', handleActive);
? ? ? ? return () => {
? ? ? ? ? ? clearTimeout(timeoutId);
? ? ? ? ? ? window.removeEventListener('mousemove', handleActive);
? ? ? ? ? ? window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleActive);
? ? ? ? };
? ? }, [timeoutInMs]);
? ? return isIdle;
export default useIdle;
The 'useIdle' hook allows you to detect when the user becomes idle, i.e., there is no mouse movement or keyboard activity for a specified duration. It takes a 'timeoutInMs' parameter representing the duration of inactivity after which the user is considered idle. It initialises the 'isIdle' state as 'false' and sets up event listeners for 'mousemove' and 'keydown' events. When there is activity, the 'isIdle' state is set to 'false', the previous timeout is cleared, and a new timeout is started. If there is no activity within the specified duration, the 'isIdle' state is set to 'true'.
Use Case:
This hook can be useful when you want to trigger certain actions or UI changes when the user is idle. For example, you can display a screensaver or log out the user after a period of inactivity.
? ? useState,
? ? useEffect
} from 'react';
const useDebounce = (value, delay) => {
? ? const [debouncedValue, setDebouncedValue] = useState(value);
? ? useEffect(() => {
? ? ? ? const handler = setTimeout(() => {
? ? ? ? ? ? setDebouncedValue(value);
? ? ? ? }, delay);
? ? ? ? return () => {
? ? ? ? ? ? clearTimeout(handler);
? ? ? ? };
? ? }, [value, delay]);
? ? return debouncedValue;
export default useDebounce;
The 'useDebounce' hook allows you to debounce a value, which means delaying the update of a value until a certain period of inactivity. It takes a 'value' and 'delay' as parameters. The hook initializes the 'debouncedValue' state with the initial value. Whenever the 'value' changes, a timeout is set with the specified 'delay'. If the 'value' changes again within the 'delay', the previous timeout is cleared. Once the 'delay' elapses without any changes to the 'value', the 'debouncedValue' is updated.
Use Case:
This hook can be useful when you want to delay the execution of a function or API call until the user has finished typing or interacting with an input field.
import { useEffect } from 'react'
const useClickOutside = (ref, callback) => {?
????const handleClickOutside = (event) => {?
????????if (ref.current && !ref.current.contains( {
? ? ? ? ? ? callback();
? ? ? ? }
? ? };
? ? useEffect(() => {
? ? ? ? document.addEventListener('click', handleClickOutside);
? return () => {
? ? ? ? ? ? document.removeEventListener('click', handleClickOutside);
? ? ? ? };
? ? }, [ref, callback]);
export default useClickOutside;
The 'useClickOutside' hook allows you to detect clicks that occur outside a specified ref element. It takes a 'ref' and a 'callback' function as parameters. The hook adds a click event listener to the document and checks if the target of the click is outside the 'ref' element. If it is, the 'callback' function is invoked.
Use Case:
This hook can be useful when you want to close a dropdown menu, modal, or any other component when the user clicks outside of it.
? ? useState,
? ? useEffect
} from 'react';
const useGeolocation = () => {
? ? const [position, setPosition] = useState({
? ? ? ? latitude: null,
? ? ? ? longitude: null
? ? });
? ? const handleSuccess = (position) => {
? ? ? ? setPosition({
? ? ? ? ? ? latitude: position.coords.latitude,
? ? ? ? ? ? longitude: position.coords.longitude,
? ? ? ? });
? ? };
? ? const handleError = (error) => {
? ? ? ? console.error(error);
? ? };
? ? useEffect(() => {
? ? ? ? if (navigator.geolocation) {
? ? ? ? ? ? navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(handleSuccess, handleError);
? ? ? ? } else {
? ? ? ? ? ? console.error('Geolocation is not supported by this browser.');
? ? ? ? }
? ? }, []);
? ? return position;
export default useGeolocation;
The 'useGeolocation' hook allows you to retrieve the user's current geolocation coordinates. It initializes the 'position' state with 'null' latitude and longitude. If the browser supports geolocation, it calls the 'getCurrentPosition' method to fetch the user's current position. The retrieved coordinates are then stored in the 'position' state.
Use Case:
This hook can be useful when you need to provide location-based features or services in your application, such as displaying the user's current location on a map.
? ? useState,
? ? useEffect
} from 'react';
const useKeyPress = (targetKey) => {
? ? const [isKeyPressed, setIsKeyPressed] = useState(false);
? ? const handleKeyDown = ({
? ? ? ? key
? ? }) => {
? ? ? ? if (key === targetKey) {
? ? ? ? ? ? setIsKeyPressed(true);
? ? ? ? }
? ? };
? ? const handleKeyUp = ({
? ? ? ? key
? ? }) => {
? ? ? ? if (key === targetKey) {
? ? ? ? ? ? setIsKeyPressed(false);
? ? ? ? }
? ? };
? ? useEffect(() => {
? ? ? ? window.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown);
? ? ? ? window.addEventListener('keyup', handleKeyUp);
? ? ? ? return () => {
? ? ? ? ? ? window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown);
? ? ? ? ? ? window.removeEventListener('keyup', handleKeyUp);
? ? ? ? };
? ? }, [targetKey]);
? ? return isKeyPressed;
export default useKeyPress;
The 'useKeyPress' hook allows you to detect when a specific key is pressed. It takes a 'targetKey' parameter representing the key to detect. It initializes the 'isKeyPressed' state as 'false' and sets up event listeners for 'keydown' and 'keyup' events. When the target key is pressed, 'isKeyPressed' is set to 'true', and when it is released, 'isKeyPressed' is set to 'false'.
Use Case:
This hook can be useful when you want to trigger actions based on specific key presses, such as keyboard shortcuts or game controls.
? ? useState,
? ? useEffect,
? ? useRef
} from 'react';
const useHover = () => {
? ? const [isHovered, setIsHovered] = useState(false);
? ? const ref = useRef(null);
? ? const handleMouseEnter = () => {
? ? ? ? setIsHovered(true);
? ? };
? ? const handleMouseLeave = () => {
? ? ? ? setIsHovered(false);
? ? };
? ? useEffect(() => {
? ? ? ? const node = ref.current;
? ? ? ? if (node) {
? ? ? ? ? ? node.addEventListener('mouseenter', handleMouseEnter);
? ? ? ? ? ? node.addEventListener('mouseleave', handleMouseLeave);
? ? ? ? ? ? return () => {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? node.removeEventListener('mouseenter', handleMouseEnter);
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? node.removeEventListener('mouseleave', handleMouseLeave);
? ? ? ? ? ? };
? ? ? ? }
? ? }, []);
? ? return [ref, isHovered];
export default useHover;
The 'useHover' hook allows you to detect when an element is being hovered over. It initializes the 'isHovered' state as 'false' and creates a ref using 'useRef' to reference the element. It sets up event listeners for 'mouseenter' and 'mouseleave' events on the element, updating the 'isHovered' state accordingly.
Use Case:
This hook can be useful when you want to apply styles or trigger actions based on whether an element is being hovered over by the user.
React Hooks have revolutionized how we manage state and handle side effects in functional components. By mastering core hooks like 'useState' and 'useEffect', understanding their best practices, and creating custom hooks, you can create more maintainable, readable, and efficient code in your React applications. Remember to leverage the power of hooks to streamline your development process and build amazing user interfaces with ease. Happy coding!
Full Stack Developer | React, Next, Node.js, Postgres, AWS, Javascript | Software Engineer | Immediate Joiner
1 年Thanks for sharing, nice article ??
Student at Indian Institute of Sciences
1 年Good read