How to be an Effective Public Speaker
Bruce Hurwitz, Ph.D.
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I enjoy writing speeches for clients around the world. Some have been fun: A eulogy for a beloved grandmother with a wicked sense of humor. According to the client, the mourners didn't know whether to laugh, cry or do both. Some have been horrible: TED Talks for abuse victims and how they overcame. Most have been interesting: All-hands meetings for corporations celebrating an anniversary, getting a new client, closing a big deal, or merging with a competitor. Then there were the graduation and award keynotes. If the client wants boring, they get boring...
Some clients want advice on the delivery of their speech. Here's what I tell them:
I took a Public Speaking class in high school. Along with Typing, it was the most valuable class I took. (Who knew that cursive would be replaced by keyboard?!) The most important piece of advice the Public Speaking teacher told us was, "Before you go on, make sure everything that is supposed to be zipped is zipped and everything that is supposed to be buttoned is buttoned!" He was right. I have had the misfortune of being in the audience where the speaker was not, let's say, properly fastened, and that was all anyone remembered from the presentation.
Appearance matters. There was a time I was uncomfortable speaking to a group in anything less than a suit and tie. Then, one evening, when I had committed to speak at the New York Public Library, snow was starting to fall and the meteorologists promised that it was going to be quite a storm. (It wasn't!) The Library did not cancel so I showed up in my best snow gear. About a dozen people arrived, similarly dressed, and it was one of the most interactive talks I have ever given. But I was still uncomfortable, warm, but uncomfortable.
Since then, on occasion, I have left the tie home, but I always dress professionally, weather permitting, because that is my "uniform." My philosophy is simple: If you don't look professional, people won't consider you a professional.
I was attending a conference and there was a misprint on the Program. I went, let's say, to Room 123. When I entered, I immediately knew I was in the wrong place as the room was populated only by persons of the female persuasion. (For those of you old enough to get it, you have my permission to ask, in your best Groucho voice and mannerism, "Who persuaded them?") I looked at the Program, at the number on the door, and it said "123." The women were all smiling at my confusion (obviously, I was not the first) so I asked the moderator on the stage, "Is this the whatever presentation?" She replied, "No, that's in Room 132; there's a misprint on the Program." I apologized and then asked, "Just curious, what is the topic of your presentation?"
There were four women seated on the stage. They were dressed virtually identically. They were wearing tight fitting, short, low-cut black dresses and high heels. Little was left to the imagination. The woman told me, "This is a talk on the objectification of women." I responded, "And the ladies on the stage with you are dressed to show why women are objectified?" There was dead silence and she said, "No, and you will be late for your lecture in Room 132." I thanked her and left. (I was pretty sure she was politely kicking me out!)
Afterwards, we ran into each other between presentations. She actually thanked me for what I had said. I assured her that I was not trying to be funny or to embarrass anyone. She said she knew that and that she was furious when the women arrived because of how they chose to dress. She also said that my question had destroyed the women's credibility. You can't speak out against objectification and dress to be objectified.
For our purposes, the point is that your clothes, just like your body language, have to complement, not contradict, your message. How you dress, how you act on stage - walking nervously or confidently, holding on to the podium as though it were a protective shield between you and the audience or just using it to hold notes - all send a message that will be more powerful than anything you actually say.
So the first rule of being an effective speaker is, don't do anything that will distract from your words. Your body language, including clothes, must complement, not contradict, your message. And remember, if you appear to be comfortable (even if on the inside you are scared to death) your audience will be comfortable. Of course, the reverse is also true. Similarly, whether during your presentation or at the end, if you welcome questions, do not argue with your audience when they offer a comment and not a question. You will always lose. What I do, is either thank the person and move on, or ask them for the source they used on which they based their comment, thank them and move on. Of course, if they ask me a question, I answer it. (For the record, "I don't know," is a perfectly acceptable answer!)
There are three entities involved in a speech. There is the presenter. There is the presentation. And then there is the audience. It is the presenter's job to present the presentation to the audience. If the talk does not go well, if the audience walks out, starts snoring, if they respond negatively, it is solely the fault of the presenter. The second rule of being an effective speaker is, know your audience. And, as an extension, make certain your audience knows you. There is no such thing as a bad audience. If you agreed to speak to them, then it is your responsibility to win them over. That said...
Thank you for boarding Acme flight 123 to Detroit. If you were planning on travelling to Denver, you have made an error and may want to rethink staying on the plane.
Anyone who has flown on a commercial airline has heard that type of message. As a speaker you should deliver a similar message at the start of your talk. Let the audience know what you plan to teach them. Today I will be explaining my approach to sales. If you were expecting a talk on sailing, you have made a mistake.
For the last public speech I gave pre-COVID, I began, "Thank you for coming. I appreciate your taking the time to learn what I have to offer. I have no problem being interrupted with questions, in fact, I enjoy it. However, I do want to make it clear that I am totally, completely, and utterly anti-political correctness [today I would change that to "woke"]. So I use male and female pronouns and no doubt will say other so-called inappropriate things. If that bothers you, then feel free to leave. No one will think less of you." And, sure enough, some people left and I am convinced none got the joke.
When you give a speech, no matter how often you have done so, you may be nervous. You may get tongue-tied. My third rule is, don't be embarrassed for being human. Laugh at yourself. Everyone gets tongue-tied, everyone mispronounces a word. Everyone loses their train of thought. Laugh! It's OK. Fallibility is endearing and you want your audience to be endeared to you.
That said, being insulting is not endearing. If you are speaking to a group belonging to a specific culture, and you don't speak their language, by all means include some words in their native tongue but have them written out phonetically in English. And have someone from that community review the speech to make certain that no one will be offended by what you say. Think of Jill Biden not knowing how to pronounce bodega and thinking it was a compliment, or humorous, to tell Hispanics in Texas that their contribution to the community was tacos! You should never have to issue an apology for a speech, as she did.
It's not true but let's not let that get in the way: Just as you only have one chance to make a good first impression, you only have one chance to grab your audience's attention. So, after you have made certain that they understand what it is that you plan to do, grab their attention. The best way, and my fourth rule is, start with a compelling, ideally personal, story with a moral that reinforces what you want the audience to learn. That is how you frame your presentation.
And as for the presentation, this is not bedtime. It is not story time. As a presenter you are a teacher. There is nothing more painful then listening to someone read a speech. My fifth rule is, don't read your speech. By all means, if you need it, have a copy with you. I prefer to use cards with key words so I won't forget the major points I want to get across.
This leads to my sixth rule, PowerPoint is only for pictures; never read PowerPoint slides. I was once at a presentation given by a friend. He welcomed everyone, and then he turned around, his back to us, and went through the PowerPoint, slide by slide, reading every word on each slide. By the time he was finished, and turned around, I, and a couple of our friends, were the only ones left in the room. He didn't even know what had happened. Well, we told him, as true friends do. But this brings me to my seventh rule:
Read your audience. If you notice too many people looking at their phones, too many moving uncomfortably in their seats, too many whispering to each other, too many sleeping, you have lost your audience. You have to find a way to get them back. There's a simple way to do it: Ask them!
Let me stop for a moment. Is there any part of what I have said that you would like me to reiterate or perhaps you would prefer I go in a different direction - other than out the door!
Humor is always good. And someone will say something that will allow you to get back on the right track and regain your audience's attention. I've seen it work.
But beware of jokes. As comedians always say, and it is true, there is no lonelier place than standing on a stage, all by your lonesome, telling a joke, and getting no response. It has happened to me but, having watched probably hundreds of hours of Johnny Carson delivering monologues that did not work, I steal from the master and get a laugh, albeit at my own expense. But's that OK. As long as your audience is laughing with you and not at you, you may just land a few new clients and an invitation to return to try again.
And for my final point, always deliver on what your promise. I hate it when a presenter says that they are going to teach you A, B and C and then it turns out of be a tease to buy their (usually self-published) book or sign up for their (usually over-price and silly) course. If you say you are going to do something, do it. What could be simpler than that?
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