How to educate people past believing contagious diseases are 100% physical germ transmission
Bruce Dickson
I'm 73, retired holistic practitioner. Okay to ask me about PTS MSS-DSS, RBTI human health & farming, Metabolic Typing, Best Practices in Group Process, Internal Family Systems, specialized kinesiology methods
Part Two of two
Here’s Pasteur’s myth, ‘We catch colds, HIV, and TB exclusively thru germs transmitted from other sick people and the germs they spread.’
This myth has an exceeding narrow (materialistic) frame of reference. Therefore our missing education has to first expand the frame of reference.
The better eduction goes like this, ask, "Are emotions contagious?"
Try to get at least three yeses from your conversational partner:
Given a comedy club and a good comedian, “Can laughter be contagious?”
Given Orson Well’s 1939 radio broadcast of the War of the World, ask, “Can fear be contagious?”
Ask, “Given a funeral, can grief be contagious?”
Ask, “Given trollish remarks online, can rage and anger be contagious?”
If your conversational partner agrees, remind them the entire subject of “mob psychology” documents and studies how emotions, good and bad are contagious.
Then ask, “Is mob psychology caused by bacteria or microbes?” No.
Then ask, “Can repeating negative emotions over and over make us physically ill?” Yes.
Then conclude, if this is true, why do we need to implicate bacteria or microbes?
This is mostly a cultural and medical marketplace question. Few people will have a good response to this question. This leaves them open to learning something new.
Ask your conversational partner, “How can we explain why at a comedy club, given a good comedian, laughter can become contagious?”
Listen to whatever they say. If they don’t come with “resonance” suggest the word to them.
A simple definition: Resonance occurs when one vibrating object causes another object to vibrate at the same frequency. If you happen to have two of the same tuning forks handy, you can demonstrate the phenomena to them.
Human beings are more like tuning forks than we usually think. One of my favorite personal growth class titles ever was, "Tuning the Human Instrument." A good way to conceive of optimal social life is like-minded persons who do two things,
- Preserve their own integrity a, autonomy and critical thinking,
- Support others to Preserve their own integrity a, autonomy and critical thinking, and
- Strive to create connection and healthy resonance in daily interactions.
Is resonance between two people visible to us? Rarely. Can it be measured by man-made technology? No. Can emotional resonance be experienced and verified subjectively? Yes. If you are having a good laugh, I may laugh or at least chuckle as well. If a large group of 1935 middle class Germans are caught up in fascist rituals, I may get swept up in their emotions with them.
Is emotional and/or other more subtle invisible resonance, causing some per-cent of so-called contagious diseases? Not yet proved conclusively, evidence form the last 500 years suggests this explanation again and again. See the References for papers on these topics. The 2024 Daniel Roytas book also has an analysis of placebo/nocebo and contagious behaviors/ideas/emotions.
Q: Will we ever be able to prove this with only man-made technology?
A: Probably not.
Q: Can we prove it with our own subjective experience, one person at a time?
A: Yes, if you have good critical thinking skills; keep written notes; and, stick to doing experiments supportive of what you wish to prove; and, keep checking to see if you are fooling yourself.
CONCLUSION ~ How will we talk about contagion in the future? Can we claim, "There is no evidence any respiratory illness has ever been transmitted between people?" We think not.
What can we say? First it's good to say, no one disputes excessive microbes are present in the diseased state of plants, animals and humans. What must be disproved is, "correlation proves causation."
The References below document how for a hundred years medical research on contagion has been flawed by researchers deliberately tampering with their own experiments--not documenting their tampering--to force evidence to fit theories their bosses demanded. See especially the two newest books below.
What else can we say? We can always say, "If we limit PubMed papers to only those which follow the scientific method; and which, also follow only Koch's original postulates; then, as of 2024, in optimally healthy persons, there appears to be no honest evidence germs and microbes cause contagion or disease."
The above leaves the door open for this question, “Among already sick persons, can exposure to pathogenic germs and diseases cause already sick persons to become more ill?
A good answer is, “Sure. The more unhealthy the physical terrain, the easier for more microbes to take hold. This is the job of microbes, to take down and recycle the elements of sub-par living organic structures. What is Nature’s goal? She sorts for organic and biological excellence. She weeds out the sick ones.”
Also, Why study already-sick persons? Why teach middle and and high school students about already sick persons? Why not teach them about Nature’s Plan for optimal physical wellness? Teach them basic of self-care.
From written research and our own five senses, what can we conclude about germs and microbes? All evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion microbes are Nature's Clean-up Crew and recycling crew. A holistic doctor made a joke about this. He said we rarely walk in the woods, see a dead animal skeleton and say, “Look another animal killed by bacteria, germs and microbes.”
SIDEBAR ~ Koch's first, original postulates
Developed in the 19th century, Robert Koch’s postulates are the four criteria designed to assess whether a microorganism causes a disease. As originally stated, the four criteria are:
(1) The microorganism must be found in diseased but not healthy individuals;
(2) The microorganism must be cultured from the diseased individual;
(3) Inoculation of a healthy individual with the cultured microorganism must recapitulated the disease; and finally
(4) The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased individual and matched to the original microorganism.,%3B%20and%20finally%20(4)%20The
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References - most recent on top
Daniel Roytas. Can You Catch A Cold?: Untold History & Human Experiments (2024).
Mark Gober. An End to Upside Down Medicine: Contagion, Viruses, and Vaccines—and Why Consciousness Is Needed for a New Paradigm of Health (2023).
User review: If you think bacteria cause diseases, you might want to think again.
If you think medical researchers follow the scientific method when they claim to isolate viruses and show that those viruses cause disease in their hosts, you might want to think again.
If you think vaccinated populations have better health outcomes than unvaccinated populations, you might want to rethink that one as well.
Gober asserts bacteria do not cause disease. Instead they are part of the body’s cleanup crew. They appear at the scene of underlying toxicity or injury. So far, agencies have been unable to provide evidence bacteria cause disease.
One of Gober’s most eye-opening assertions is in many virology studies viruses are not physically isolated, which means those viruses are not known to exist—they are still only theories.
Therefore, if the existence of a virus has not been proven, it certainly cannot be proven a nonexistent thing is an intracellular parasite causing disease in its host. Without isolating a virus, inventing a drug to support the body fighting the unidentified virus is an impossibility.
Gober demonstrates this assertion with adenovirus, Ebola-virus, Epstein-Barr, hepatitis B and C, herpes, HIV, HPV, H1N1 (swine flu), H5N1 (avian flu), lentivirus, Marburg virus, measles, MERS, monkeypox, rabies, RSV, SARS (or any other common-cold-associated coronaviruses), smallpox, West Nile, XMRV, and Zika.
Gober mentions the polio virus has never been proven to exist. As many have found, the research allegedly proving the existence of a polio virus is flawed. An alternative perspective has emerged about polio links its typical symptoms to the public use of toxic pesticides such as lead arsenate, BHC, and DDT. Jim West compiled data suggesting how incidence of polio cases tracked closely with pesticide use from 1940-1970. While the polio vaccine is often credited as being the savior of the polio problem, there is another variable not often considered: reductions in the use of toxic pesticides.
Gober reveals there were fatal flaws in the research on severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS): there was no control group; there was no proof the material given to the monkeys was the purified virus; there was no proof the effects observed in the four monkeys were due to the alleged virus alone; the experimental protocol were fictions, divorced from any scenario for how diseases might start in nature.
Regarding the Spanish Flu, Gober notes Eleanor McBean, PhD, expressed Spanish influenza was a vaccine-induced disease caused by extreme body poisoning from the conglomeration of many different vaccines. Her research indicated that the flu only hit the vaccinated. Those who refused the shots escaped the Spanish flu.
Gober provides an alternate explanation for the smallpox disease: the medicines prescribed to treat smallpox were themselves toxic. Until the early 20th century, mercury, arsenic, and antimony were given to people afflicted with the disease. However, smallpox started to go away when these toxic treatments were prohibited.
Regarding chickenpox, Gober notes that chickenpox parties are typical among children who are of a similar age, and one might wonder if there is a hormonal element that should be evaluated, which could be the cause of chickenpox.
Gober says that hepatitis refers to inflammation of the liver, and according to the CDC, it is often caused by a virus. However, Dr. Samantha Bailey notes that the alleged virus has never been properly isolated or identified. It turns out that alcohol consumption is a key factor for Hepatitis.
Rabies is a rare but often fatal condition which occurs after being bitten by an animal with the condition. Conventional medical thinking tells us it’s a viral infection. However, Dr. Samantha Bailey speculates what is known as rabies could be a poison (more specifically, a neurotoxin) secreted from the animal.
In his discussion of the Black Death, Gober refers us to the WHO, which states, “Black Death is an infectious disease caused by bacteria…usually found in small mammals and their fleas.” However, Lester and Parker believe the medical establishment theory about fleas infected by bacteria spread by small animals to humans, is entirely unsupported by the evidence
A counter-narrative is there were major environmental events causing “corruption of the air and earth,” as speculated by Mike Baillie, a professor at Queen’s University in Belfast. He believes the Black Death was caused by high levels of ammonium released due to the impact of comet debris on 25th January 1348 as witnessed by the major earthquake on that day.
Gober notes medical-industry-solutions (i.e. vaccines) proposed for many of the diseases mentioned above actually create more problems than they solve. In their book Vax-Unvax: Let the science speak by Kennedy and Hooker, the authors, note one cluster of studies in this book shows compared to unvaccinated groups; vaccinated groups have more ADD and/or ADHD; allergies; asthma; autism; developmental disabilities; learning disabilities; or neurodevelopmental disorders; eczema; ear infections; gastrointestinal disorders; respiratory infections; and seizures.
The medical establishment has a clear vested interest in perpetuating the myth it was ‘germs’ killing millions of people who had no immunity to the diseases the germs are alleged to have caused.
Gober’s conclusion regarding disease and the spread of disease is non-germ factors need to be considered, such as sanitation, toxins, electricity, wireless signals, radiation poisoning, overall lifestyle, nutrition, environmental changes, medications (including vaccines), and many more.
One of the potential weaknesses of this book is the author promotes the view paranormal explanations are the truth behind currently unexplainable phenomena. For example, he proposes one person’s sickness could cause a physiological change in someone else (via an unseen energetic connection) [i.e. resonance]
Nancy Appleton, Ph.D. Rethinking Pasteur's Germ Theory: How to Maintain Your Optimal Health (2001)
2011 review by Claudia Bricks, ND: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Nancy Appleton hit a Bull's eye with this book!
The subject matter of the book is foreign to the way we have all been raised; namely, germs cause all illness; and, Louis Pasteur was the wonderful Father of Modern Medicine. Both are dead wrong!
Appleton takes a very complex and convoluted subject and breaks it down into easy to understand segments, going back into history to uncover the real truth about the foundation of our current medical practices. She very astutely writes about why modern medicine is having so much trouble helping people get and stay healthy. . . Mostly because they focus on Louis Pasteur's monomorphic germ theory and not on the ever changing condition and balance of the inner terrain of the person's body.
Her masterful and detailed detective work uncovers the truths about the real genius, Pasteur's nemesis, Professor Antoine Bechamp. Bechamp did the majority of the true scientific work, which Pasteur either stole, plagiarized or touted as his own. It's Bechamp's pleomorphic microzymas, not Pasteur's germs, which aide or abet health.
She also uncovers the historical truth about such scientific giants as Claude Bernard, Royal Rife, Walter Cannon, and Gaston Naessens, all of whom the AMA tried to discredit or shut down because their findings did not agree with the AMA's.
After delineating why Pasteur's germ theory is all wrong, she proceeds to address the issues of body chemistry, homeostasis, and present her own programs for getting and maintaining health.
Nancy Appleton, Ph.D. The Curse of Louis Pasteur (1999).
Nancy Appleton shows us Pasteur's discovery of infectious diseases has been both a blessing and a curse for all of us. A blessing because it led to the discovery of the antibiotics, which helped cure many of our infectious diseases. It’s been a curse because the success of researchers in finding antibiotics to cure infectious diseases gave the entire medical profession a one-track mind
Researchers now assume because they found drugs to kill microbes, they can find other drugs to "kill" each metabolic diseases, such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, kidney failure, etc. They're looking for what Paul Ehrlich called "magic bullets." They won't find any "magic bullets" for degenerative diseases, because there's nothing to kill. These diseases all have complex cause-and-effect chains disrupting our body chemistry. Unless we eliminate what we’re doing to cause these disruptions, we can’t prevent these diseases.
So what can we do about metabolic disorders? Weston A. Price and Denis Burkitt, among others, found answers to this question. Their studies showed first, Third World peoples are almost entirely immune to our degenerative diseases. Second, when those peoples switch from their traditional natural foods to our factory-produced junk food, they come down with all the metabolic diseases rampant in the West. This means our hospitals are full of people who could have avoided their agonizing and often fatal ailments, if only they had stayed with the natural foods of our ancestors.
Thomas Cowan MD, Sally Fallon Morell. The Truth About Contagion: Exploring Theories of How Disease Spreads (2021)
This link permits reading many pages
Is this a new idea? No. It's a hundred year old idea from Rudolf Steiner, a sub-topic within the field he called etheric formative forces. Tho a substantial number of transcribed Steiner lectures discuss this topic, these have proved not as useful as hoped. For one reason the terms and concepts are outside modern medical technology, what we call Second Order Science. If you want to conclusively prove germs cause or do not cause physical diseases, you have to step outside of medical technology, all man-made, left-brain-made technology. You have to step into the Goethean Holistic Science paradigm and clarify which effects of which causes are material and which are emotional-etheric-resonance effects - bd
TB and resonance
If you have questions about non-physical ways respiratory illness like TB is transmitted between people; then, the evidence we have points to resonance effects. TB is a good example as the connection between TB and emotional depression has been documented and studied since 1909.
What evidence do we have connecting TB and emotional depression?
"Addressing the tuberculosis–depression syndemic to end the tuberculosis epidemic" (2017)
Abstract: Tuberculosis (TB) and depression act synergistically via social, behavioral, and biological mechanisms to magnify the burden of disease. Clinical depression is a common, under-recognized, yet treatable condition that, if co-morbid with TB, is associated with increased morbidity, mortality, community TB transmission, and drug resistance. Depression may increase risk of TB reactivation, contribute to disease progression . . . .
Interplay between depression and tuberculosis
The interplay of these two factors has been discussed in PubMed since 1909.
Some recent papers:
"Mental Health and Tuberculosis—Holding Our Breath in Isolation" (2024)
Not surprisingly, an estimated 40%–70% of persons treated for TB experience clinical anxiety or depression.
Beyond stigma and social isolation, mental illness persists as a silent driver of the global TB epidemic. . . .
"Links Between Tuberculosis and Mental Health" (2021)
This paper describes the scientific evidence for the association of depression, anxiety, and alcohol use disorder (AUD) as the three main mental health disorders in persons with TB.
"The interplay between depression and tuberculosis" (2019)
Based on clinical reports, the association between TB and depression seems to be bidirectional, with a substantial overlap in symptoms ...