How Educake has saved time and reduced workload
Head of Science, Sharron Pearson, was looking for a homework solution to boost pupil progress and help her team teach more effectively.
More Effective Homework and Revision
“We took the plunge and started using Educake straight away. We now use it across all year groups. it allows us to tailor homework, manage engagement for pupils and compare learning across subject areas. Pupils get useful instant feedback and can explore their strengths and weaknesses, and so target their own independent learning whenever they want to.”
“At first we used Educake just for homework. Last year we also encourages KS4 pupils to set themselves questions to increase their learning and support their own independent revision. Teachers are able to monitor this with he student league tables to see where this is happening most effectively.”
More Student Engagement
“Homework is now being completed! The quizzes have been really successful. The ability for pupils to complete them on their phones is a real bonus and the instant feedback supports understanding.
“We sometimes set up class challenges and have them competing together for the highest score on simple recall style questions, which has proved popular.”
More Feedback (Less Marking)
“The team love it; it has saved them time and reduced excessive workload. Everything is there in one place and questions are easy to find and filter. Teachers control the setting of the quizzes and can tailor the difficulty and style of questions to their own classes.”
“Marking load has definitely improved. We now focus our formal written feedback on valuable practice assessments twice per term, rather than marking lots of bits of homework as well.”
Sharron’s Conclusion
“It’s an excellent, easy-to-use resource. The team love it; it has saved them time and reduced excessive workload.
Educake continues to evolve and adapt as the support team listens to customers. They’re brilliant – always helpful and quick to respond to queries and questions.”
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