How To Easily Get Your Clients To Take Up Your Paid Offers

How To Easily Get Your Clients To Take Up Your Paid Offers

We need to continually remind ourselves that the primary reason our clients sign up for our coaching is to achieve a particular result or outcome that they feel they can't achieve without help.

So naturally our core coaching or teaching program will be designed to take the client from their problem or pain point to their ideal state or outcome...the outcome that they've signed up for to achieve.

I've written before that when we have a core coaching program this then provides the means for us to take snippets, or segments from that core program and offer one or more of them to attract leads for our coaching.

And, a snippet or segment from our core program can also be put in front of our clients in the form of an initial low cost paid offer.

So, the offer ladder or sales funnel works this way:

  • free offer = rapid partial solution or result of the clients problem
  • initial low cost paid offer to the client = yet more results for the client relating to their problem, but still only partial solution
  • core program offer = the full desired result that the client is actually wanting

The common thing in each of these steps is that we provide the means for the client to continue to make progress towards achieving their desired result from your coaching program.

The point I'm making, perhaps not in a very effective way, is that we must be ever mindful that our clients have the initial motivation to resolve a problem or achieve a particular outcome in their life..., they realise they need help to do that, and they expect that our coaching will help provide that help.

So, how do we increase the likelihood that clients will take up our paid offers for coaching? 

Provide a way for them to get some early results...nothing will motivate people more when they can actually experience that they are making progress and are moving forward to their desired outcome.

Now, here's a question for you...what strategies do you use that encourages your clients to take early, and consistent action during your coaching programs.

Please hit reply and let me know...and I'll share your answers in future posts.

Click here watch my free training on how to set up your coaching for online delivery.


