How on earth VOS gets its inspirations to grow value pi to ~, w/ cues from Relativity & Uncertainty?
With our Virtual Ocean Strategy (VOS) posts being widely known for its infinity inspirations, one of the crystal ball questions, we received recently from a partner firm of ours is the following -
- What other specific scientific inspirations can put us closer to the vicinity of achieving our ambitious goal of growing the economic value pie size to infinity?
As much as it is an aspirational question, we are being inspired to hack it today, for whatever it’s worth - and sure enough, three words kind of standout– value, pie(or pi) and infinity. Interestingly enough, these three words, also happen to be the microcosm of the three things, that are infinite under the heavens (i.e. Creator of the Universe, Universe itself and our Human capital) - which kind of motivated us to amplify them all little more, with a hope of finding our crystal ball answer.
First things First…
With our universe being one of the infinite things under the heavens and it being almost circular, one of the ways it mathematically manifests its infiniteness is, using the value of “pi” i.e. magical ratio of circumference of a circle divided by diameter. Intriguingly enough, the mathematical value of “pi” (i.e. 3.14.....) happens to follow a “universe like” infinite precision pattern, by not repeating its digits with any specific pattern, thus maintaining a perfect tension between order and randomness simultaneously.
Sure enough, our universe happens to manifest a similar tension as well i.e. the tension between ORDER (caused by universe’s gravitation, shaped by space-time curvature driven circumference, governed by theory of relativity), and RANDOMESS (caused by universe’s space-time dilemma along its diameter, governed by principle of uncertainty), as we had alluded in one of our earlier posts.
Given these intriguing parallels, we couldn’t contain our enthusiasm of making an “implication focused hypothesis”, as follows –
- Any economic model that mimics this order/randomness characteristics of universe and pi should be able to put us closer to the vicinity of achieving our ambitious goal of growing the economic value pie to infinity.
Sure enough, that is exactly we have attempted with our Virtual Ocean Strategy(VOS) framework, as VOS’ value trajectory happens to exhibit the very same five infinity striving characteristics of "universe and pi", as summarized below.
- Value is created as a circle in SPACE dimension.
- Value is accelerated as cycle in TIME dimension, as cycle is the temporal cousin of circle.
- Value is restored using 5R pattern(Refresh, Refurbish, Recycle, Repurpose, and Revive) in SPACE and TIME dimensions sequentially, governed by theory of relativity and seasonality.
- Value is multiplexed using 5M pattern(Pure play Muxing,Time slice Muxing, Freq Muxing, Wavy Muxing & Multiplication) in SPACE and TIME dimensions simultaneously, governed by principle of uncertainty and opposites.
- Value is multiplied to infinity using 5S Pattern (sourced as infinite purpose seed capital, soared as infinite human capital, synthesized as infinite P&S capital, switched as Finance capital and served as infinite Customer Capital) by maintaining a perfect tension between order and randomness like universe and pi.
With theory of relativity and uncertainty being the governing principles in operation here (i.e. the tension between Universe and PI), it just dawned on us that our earlier mapping of relativity to leadership moments and uncertainty to decision making, happens to reinforce this tension phenomena, in an inspirational way as well. Sure enough, we are being inspired again, to build some additional insights, by amalgamating those leadership moments with decision making styles, by subjecting them under our value station quadrant framework, as synthesized in the exhibit above.
In other words, when SPACE (i.e. heartons as hypothesized in our earlier post) and TIME (i.e. mindons as hypothesized in our earlier post) are plotted in X/Y axis respectively, we see, “five infinite value inspiring leadership moments” emerging, as a virtuous sweet-spot of, how SPACE and TIME converge (i.e. curvature), by releasing the right dosage for the right infinite moment, as synthesized in the exhibit above. Simply put,
- When “heartons” and “mindons” are released as LOW-LOW, VOS’ infinite value inspiring leadership moment, manifests within Smart Shepherds value station (VS) in the lower left quadrant as “exasperating leadership moment with finite value producing certainty decision style”. The leadership style within this value station is service leadership, nurturing the customer capital driven jobs to be done strategy, using elegant innovations, as summarized in the exhibit above. Refer to one of our earlier posts for innovation style definitions.
- When “heartons” and “mindons” are released as HIGH-LOW, VOS’ infinite value inspiring leadership moment, manifests within Savvy Servants value station (VS) in the lower right quadrant as “embarrassing leadership moment with infinite value producing uncertainty decision style”. The leadership style in this quadrant is servant leadership, nurturing the human capital driven growth strategy, using effective innovations.
- When “heartons” and “mindons” are released as LOW-HIGH, VOS’ infinite value inspiring leadership moment manifests within Analytical Managers value station (VS) in the upper left quadrant as “enflaming leadership moment with infinite value producing certainty decision style”. The leadership style in this quadrant is transactional leadership, nurturing the financial capital driven resource allocation strategy, using efficiency innovations.
- When “heartons” and “mindons” are released as HIGH-HIGH, VOS’ infinite value inspiring leadership moment, manifests within Product Pioneers value station (VS) in the upper right quadrant as “exhilarating leadership moment with infinite value producing uncertainty decision style”. The leadership style in this quadrant is transformational leadership, nurturing the Product and Services capital driven execution strategy, using purpose innovations.
- When “heartons” and “mindons” are released in a balanced manner, VOS’ infinite value inspiring leadership moment, manifests within Mended CXO's purpose value station (VS) in the middle quadrant as “empowering leadership moment with infinite value producing certainty/uncertainty balanced decision style”. The leadership style in this quadrant is situational leadership, nurturing the Purpose capital driven value multiplication strategy, using resource innovations.
Like other VOS styles, VOS' five infinite value moments are just the outcomes (i.e. END) of, how our "heartons" and "mindons" energies (i.e. MEANS), are amalgamated, by releasing the right dosage for the right moment, as summarized in the exhibit above.
With that note, here are five VOS infinite value moment takeaways.
- When value creation opportunity falls under the smart shepherds’ value station and the infinite value inspiring leadership moment is highly exasperating, VOS suggest its leaders to service their customers by exceeding their infinite needs and wants, as those "needs and wants" are the consumption side of infinite human capital.
- When value creation opportunity falls under the savvy servants’ value station and the leadership moment is highly embarrassing, VOS suggests it leaders to learn to soar on the infinite human capital i.e. demand side of the infinite human capital in the form of game changing insights and ideas.
- When value creation opportunity falls under the product pioneers value station and the leadership moment is highly exhilarating, VOS suggests its leaders to learn to synthesize their P&S’s as infinite P&S capital (by creatively mixing finite physical and infinite virtual resources, in the form of AI/Robotics/telemetry/nano-tech etc).
- When value creation opportunity falls under the analytical mangers value station and the leadership moment is highly enflaming, VOS suggests its leaders to learn the art and science to switch the infinite P&S capital quickly into Finance capital(which is also infinite as all other capitals are infinite).
- When value creation opportunity falls under the mended CXO's purpose value station and the leadership moment is highly empowering, VOS suggests its leaders to source their value cycle with infinite purpose seed capital(vision + mission + values + codes + BHAG), in the inform of invisible instructions called genotypes and phenotypes.
In closing, when leaders master this art and science of riding the infinite value trajectory, it sure will put their businesses (and countries and eventually the world economy) in the infinite economic growth trajectory as well, with our 5S mantra -
For economic value pie to reach infinity, source it with an infinite 5 part purpose seed capital (vision + mission + values + codes + BHAG) in the form of invisible instructions and then soar them with the infinite human capital (in the form of ideas and insights), before synthesizing them as the infinite P&S capital (by creatively mixing finite physical and infinite virtual resources, in the form of AI/Robotics/telemetry/nano-tech/human capital etc) - and last but not the least, switch them as the infinite finance capital (as all other capitals are infinite), before serving the customer capital's infinite needs and wants(i.e. the jobs to be done equation).